Chapter Forty-Eight

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December, 1471

Richard sat with Francis, looking over Sudeley's Great Hall in silence. Neither dared speak, as Richard had been on edge since Katy entered her confinement. Simply put, he missed her. Her small comments, genuine concern, and her laughing filling the halls. He feared he may not remember her voice, as much time had passed since she entered. Anne Lovell walked in quickly, holding small Richard in her arms. Richard stood quickly and she held up one finger.

"Before you ask, she is in good spirits, Your Grace." Anne's giggle filled the hall and Richard put his head on the table.

"Shouldn't it have happened by now?" He groaned. Anne stood silent but smiled at his inquiry. "She has been gone for so long."

"That is why I have come. The child is coming, Richard. She has all the signs that birth is eminent." Richard's head popped back up, staring at Anne, mouth agape.

"The child is coming? The child is coming!" He laughed and clapped. "Can I see her?"

"It is best if you do not," Anne advised. "The midwife states only we should be present. Lady Anne is assisting with her now."

"She is alright?" Richard listened to her screams and cries fill the hall. He looked at Anne, with sudden hardness. "I will be in the room," he asserted, standing and moving towards her chambers. Anne handed her son to Francis and placed her hand on his arm.

"Richard, please. You shall hold her in your arms soon, but you must let her be." Richard sat again as Anne turned to leave.

Katy's screams were torturous for Richard. He wished to console her, feel her skin on his lips while whispering encouragement to her. Anne would surely be disappointed, perhaps even angry, if he charged in. As a result, he wandered into the garden. Listening to the fountains and water moving underneath, doing all she enjoyed doing. But even from the gardens, he would hear her agony. He could not focus on anything but her. Richard rushed back into the castle, sitting outside of Katy's chambers. He could hear everything, and put his head into his hands. Katy would ask for him, he did not doubt that. And when she did, he would be there in seconds ready to help her in any way he could.


Anne Neville wiped the sweat rolling down her forehead. Katy lay on the bed, tears streaming down her face, taking deep breaths.

"Oh- OH," she was barely able to let out before the pain overwhelmed her. Katy pushed, feeling muscles she barely knew she had begun working, but it felt fruitless.

"Keep pushing, child!" Anne wiped her face again, and Katy let out a loud scream.

"I cannot do this," she cried.

"You are doing wonderfully," the midwife explained sweetly. "In fact, I can see the child's head." Katy's eyes grew, "You will soon be a mother, but you mustn't give up."

"He is- "she screamed again, now feeling more pressure and pain. Katy pushed, but had no relief. The pressure grew and she tossed her head back, closing her eyes.

"Just a bit more, your Grace. You are extremely close." Anne Neville took her hand, letting Katy squeeze as hard as she needed to.

"Anne, thank you," Katy whispered, opening her eyes quickly, before the pain took control of her again. She screamed at the top of her lungs in pain. "I want Richard!" The door hung open and he rushed in. Once he heard his name, he could no longer stand by. Her face was flushed and glistened, her hair pinned back but unkept. He rushed to her side, taking her hand and kissing it.

"I'm here." Katy looked into his eyes and smiled softly, before throwing her head back again and crying out.

"Well done, your Grace." The pain vanished and Katy watched as Anne Lovell fussed with the small child. But there was silence, which Katy tried to see past the people to her child.

"Why does it not cry?" Richard questioned, panicked too by the silence. He kissed Katy's forehead and released her hand, moving towards them. And then he paused, as the most wondrous sound filled the room. Anne wrapped the child, listening to the screams, and handing it to Richard. A tear fell from his eye as he looked at the baby. He lifted the swaddling and smiled softly. He looked at Katy, smiling large, and moved towards the bed. "She is beautiful, just like her mother."

"A girl?" Katy asked, holding out her arms for the baby. Richard carefully handing her the girl, and Katy wiped new tears coming from her eyes. "Catherine?" Richard nodded, watching Katy cradle his newborn. He never imagined he could love Katy more, but seeing her with his daughter questioned that belief. But more so, his heart had now been stolen by a new girl. Richard was overcome with joy, laughing and crying, while looking at the one thing he may come to love more than Katy. "Richard, take her." He quickly grabbed his girl and Katy's body contracted, screaming again. The midwife looked at Katy, with wide eyes.

"The second is ready."

"Second?" Richard questioned, handing Catherine to Anne Neville. "A second child?" She nodded and Richard looked around, utterly shocked. He was speechless, at a complete loss with the news he had received.

"There is a second child?" Katy screamed and pushed again, though it seemed easier this time.

"Keep pushing!" Katy did as she was told, "And now relax," the midwife coached. Katy's body relaxed, looking up at the dark ceiling. Richard lightly grazed her arm, watching intensely. "You are much closer now than you were with the girl. You may only need one more strong push." Richard was silence, though having him with her helped change her mindset. She had already birthed one; she could do it a second time. Her eyes closed with the onset of pain and pushed hard than she thought she could.

"It's a boy!" Anne Lovell called as the baby began screaming almost instantaneously. "He is strong!" Richard clapped his hands, his laughter filling the air. He kissed Katy's forehead, beaming down on her. "Catherine and John of Gloucester." Both her children were handed to her, and she began to cry. She could not control it but felt an immediate connection to the small babies in her arms. "You should rest, my dear. You have done an amazing job, and I like them very much," he teased.

"I must bathe," she whispered, realizing all she had experienced.

"I will help her," Anne Neville asserted helping Katy to her feet. Katy looked back at her children once more before immersing herself in the tub.

"I will have the wet nurse sent right away," Richard spoke softly with Anne Lovell. He watched Catherine and John move past him. "I will be back soon, please have her rest. I will check on her as the day continues."

"Anne, I should like something to drink," Katy whispered, exhausted. She relaxed in the water, shutting her eyes and letting the heat run through her body. Everything hurt; her mind and body both relaxing after a stressful day.

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