Chapter Forty-Two

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July, 1471

Over the last month, there was no way to hide Katy's condition. Richard gloated at every opportunity, as George was still without an heir, though he hoped soon his brother may share in his joy. Katy seemed to be progressing awfully quick, something she nor Richard fully realized. He was mesmerized by her changing figure, by his child she carried. His fear vanished as prepared to be a father, spending more time with Edward, much to the dismay of the Queen. George, Edward, and Richard had grown exceptionally close since their return from Tewkesbury.

Katy exited her chambers with Anne Lovell behind her. Francis and Richard waited at the door, both in full armor. Francis kissed Anne quickly, as Richard took Katy's arm and lead her to the gardens.

"Did he gift you that?" Richard inquired, looking over the new dress on his wife. "Do not take this badly, but you look as if you may burst out," he laughed.

"I was much less with child when he gave it to me. He has insisted I wear it today," Katy spoke breathlessly. "I am very uncomfortable, I confess."

"You could fake-" Katy stopped walked and grasped the wall, groaning and moaning while leaning forward. "Katy!" She stood up and laughed, moving past Richard.

"Like that? I should like to see Edward's reaction!"

"That was not funny! How could you give me a scare like that!"

"Do I get a kiss?" Richard clenched his jaw, fire in his eyes. Katy moved towards him, placing her hand on his face. Her thumb ran over his soft skin and she smiled. She leaned into him, knowing he was furious with her, whispering lightly on his lips, "We will now be equal in our share of scares." She pressed her lips to his and pulled away quickly. Richard was unsure how to react, his eyes growing large.

"Was that what it was like? When I fell from Gawain?" She listened to his metal rub together as he ran.

"You best not fall from him today," she sternly advised. "I should surely faint if something happens to you."

"Francis, do you believe us to be harmed during this tournament?"

"No, your Grace," Francis laughed.

"You had best be mindful," Anne advised, "You are not as young as you used to be."

"Surely you speak of your husband, for I am only twenty years of age," Richard boasted. He walked into a large tent, bowing to his brother. Katy curtseyed low and smiled at Edward.

"Your Grace," Katy spoke clearly. Edward took her hand, pressing it to his lips.

"Katy, you look exquisite. She is in good hands, Richard." Katy stepped towards Edward, watching Richard depart and ready his horse. Edward shone in the deep blue he wore, making his eyes shine brighter. "You are coming along quite well." He spoke walking with her to his throne.

"He is strong. I feel his kicks constantly," Katy smiled, resting her hand on her stomach. "Just as his father and Uncle, no doubt." Katy watched men appear in front of them, immediately finding Richard in the line. A small smile spread onto her face and he winked quickly, causing her cheeks to flush. Edward chuckled to himself, noticing their exchange.

"You act as if you are still a child with him."

"I confess, each time I see him, my heart flutters. How kind God and your Grace have been to me."

"His Grace, the Duke of Gloucester will joust Sir Thomas Fitzgerald of Kildare."

"That is quite a match," Katy laughed, watching her brother and husband ride into the arena. Richard beelined to her, Gawain taking large strides.

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