Chapter Thirty-Six

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Edward and George had arrived, along with Lord Hastings, to Sudeley. Tents and men had overtaken the gardens and surrounding lands. Katy spent her time indoors, avoiding the soldiers that gathered in increasing numbers. Edward and George maintained their distance from Katy, having heard her's and Richard's rather loud squabbles in her chambers.

They fought over the smallest inconvenience, neither wanting to give in to the other. Katy had cried herself to sleep more times than she could count over the last days. It always ended the same way, with Katy screaming at him to remove himself from her, immediately. Richard would make some snide remark and slam the door. Their once loving relationship had been torn to shreds, unrecognizable to anyone. Once she was sure he had left, she would rush to Anne's chambers, climbing into bed with her friend and cry. What Katy did not know was Richard would come back, desiring to hold her, kiss her, and make the world right for her once again. Yet each time he arrived, her bed was a mess of blankets but empty. This only increased his frustration with himself, knowing he was the reason she ran to Anne and away from him. He felt uncontrolled and not himself.

Katy walked quickly, having been summoned by Edward. She wished for him to be alone, but she doubted that fact. His brothers would certainly be there. Richard at his table, planning. She dreaded seeing him and her anxiety grew. The door moved slowly and Katy curtseyed quickly.

"Your Grace, you have asked for me?" Richard stood beside him, stoic and unmoving.

"Would your father have refused our request for his support?" Edward asked, looking over the table. "Your brother has not returned."

"I do not see a way he could refuse, nor do I believe he would. My Father loves you, your Grace. As he loves your brothers," Katy looked at Richard, longing for him to show her some affection. The fighting had worn them to the bone, the energy simply was disappearing from them.

"Perhaps we must prepare without Kildare's support," George spoke, looking over Edward's shoulder. Richard moved towards Katy, lightly placing his hand on her back.

"Kildare's men will come. They will support Katy." He looked down at her as his brothers looked over the table. Edward and George discussed loudly, and Richard placed his lips on her temple. "I am sorry," he spoke softly. "I pushed you away, but I am not willing to do this alone. I need your loving support with me."

"What do you think Richard?" Edward asked. Richard was shocked but the sudden question.

"I believe we m-"

"Your Grace! Sir Thomas has returned with Kildare's men!" Edward's head shot up, a large grin forming. He rushed from the room with George laughing, running toward the gates.

"I need you, Katy. You must know, I believe you, my head was filled with many differing accounts."

"Exactly as mine was when I was told you married." He wrapped his arms around her, and Katy immediately rested her head on him, feeling safe again.

"I swear to you, I will never be angry with you again. I will show you the love you deserve, and not fight with you over small matters." Katy smiled and pecked his lips.

"I am loyal to you always; I have shown you and I will continue to show you for the rest of our lives. There is no ulterior motive for me."

"Before we meet Thomas, I have something to show you. Specially made."

"Richard-" He took her hand and quickly walked towards the stables. Morgan stood with Gawain, both in full armor. Katy walked to her, touching the cold metal. "Who is going to use her?"

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