Chapter Forty-Three

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August, 1471

"What will his name be?" Lizzie climbed onto the bed with Katy, putting her ear on her stomach. Lizzie's small body contorted to make herself comfortable.

"We will call him John, after a brave man who fought for us at Tewkesbury " Lizzie jumped on the bed softly, rolling until she cuddled with Katy. The door opened softly and Katy looked over her shoulder.

"You must get out of bed, my dear," Richard whispered, planting a quick kiss on her temple.

"Uncle Richard, what if you have a girl? What will you call her?" Lizzie asked sitting up and looking at him.

"We will call her Catherine, after her mother," Katy took his hand as he helped her sit up. Katy's face flushed with his kind words. While the possibility of a girl was present, they had never discussed it. Though clearly Richard had thought of it. "Lizzie, does your Mother know you are here?" Lizzie said nothing and moved closer to Katy, leaning on her arm. "Lizzie?" He questioned sternly.

"Mama told me not to bother Lady Kathryn. But I so like being with her."

"Lizzie, you had best go to your Mother. She was looking for you," Lizzie danced through the doorway, listening to her Uncle's orders. "She's learned that from watching you," he groaned, falling back onto the bed. "Edward will want to speak with me about it in time, I am sure." Katy stood and laughed, turning to face him.

"Edward will be proud to have a daughter like me, like her own mother. We do as we need and will fight for what we believe."

"You are lucky you are worth the trouble you cause."

"You cannot do anything now, you have married me. We are united before God." Richard sat up and placed his forehead on her growing stomach.

"I could divorce you," he threatened. Katy's laugh filled the air and she ran her hands through his hair, smiling down on him.

"Clearly our marriage has not been consummated, and as such you have the grounds to do so," she teased, moving to her knees so they were at eye level, resting her hands on his thighs. "I love you," she kissed his nose lightly, standing once more. "Where are we going? Someone must want to speak with us."

"George and Isabel. It is about Lady Anne. It would seem they have become rather upset by my constant griping for her. George tells me she is in mourning for her husband."

"She does not mourn for Edward of Westminster. Lancaster mourns for him, his mother mourns for him, but she does not."


"You must control your temper," Richard whispered, approaching the large door.

"I will if he does," she responded blankly. "I would never treat my own sister as they do." Her heart raced with each step and warm air stuck to face.

"Katy," Richard replied sternly. He looked at her, grasping her hands. "You must remain calm." Richard opens the door, revealing Isabel and George sitting at their table. The air was stagnant, which she detested.

"Brother, welcome. And Dear Katy, you look wonderful as always," George charmed. Isabel whispered quietly to him, looking back to Katy.

"Your flattery will only get you so far I'm afraid, George," Katy smiled at him.

"Richard, how are you? You must be excited for your child."

"Of course we are, Isabel," Richard pulled the chair out for Katy, quickly sitting next to her. "Perhaps we should skip the pleasantries." George leaned back and Isabel remained cold to Katy, though in her eyes, Katy was extremely cold to her. Isabel returned only what she expected from Katy. Isabel and Katy had hardly experienced prolonged interactions, and now they were locked into a room together fight over what they thought would be best for her sister. Silence filled the air and Katy's skin crawled with goosebumps.

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