Chapter Eight

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 Anne trailed behind Katy into the dining hall. Edward sat at the head of the table, Richard to his right and George to his left. Jane smirked from next to Richard. He stood up and escorted her next to George. No words were exchanged between them, only brief stares. Their last conversation was unfinished, and it was unknown when they would find the time to complete it.

"You look beautiful, Katy," Edward commented drinking his wine. "My wife and daughters are quite excited to see you again. It seems that you've become quite a woman under Richard's care."

"Thank you, your grace. Your brother has been nothing but kind to me," Katy forced, trying to sound sincere. She would not let her frustration with Richard spoil her evening. "I too, am happy to see her Grace again. And of course, your beautiful children."

"We are to have a wonderful holiday here." Edward changed his attention to Richard and Jane briefly. George leaned over to his seat mate and lightly put his hand on the back of her arm. Katy turned her head towards him, blocking his face from view.

"Dine with me tomorrow? Alone?" he questioned, running his hand up and down. Richard shot daggers in George's direction.

"I'm sorry, your Grace. I must always be chaperoned. I would be honored to dine with you, though."

"Let us make it so we are the only two awake," George smugly replied. He motioned to the page, "Make sure everyone has a full glass of wine." Food soon filled the table, and Edward seemed to enjoy the selection.

"Katy? What was the accident from earlier?" He took another sip of his wine.

"Your brother, unfortunately..."

"Fell from my horse," he laughed, making light of the situation. "There was worry I might've been injured." Edward couldn't help but laugh, along with George.

"You fall off your horse quite a bit. Tell me you were doing something difficult?"

"It's a game we play, sir. You must ride and shot an arrow into a target. Lady Kathryn excels at it," Francis added in. "She is an astounding horsewoman."

"I should like to hunt with you then, Lady Kathryn. We should plan one, see what Gloucestershire has to offer its king."

"It would be an honor to join you on a hunt, your Grace." Katy took a small sip of wine and George quickly replenished it, chuckling softly.

Anne, Francis, and Jane retired to bed, leaving Katy with the King and the dukes. Edward now had trouble keeping his thought's straight. Katy's skin had a soft, rosy glow and felt her fears and anger disappear. The amount of alcohol consumed by the four of them was substantial, and it seemed Richard was the least effected. He kept an eye on both of his brothers and Katy, drinking his wine more slowly. George lay on the large bench, "So Katy, what does a woman, such as yourself, do for enjoyment?"

"At this hour?" George laughed and nodded, "Dance, sing, play cards..." she trailed off, thinking of other things she used to keep busy.

"We should play! And drink and gamble!" Edward slurred. "Ranter-Go-Round!" he flashed a toothy grin. The game was pure luck, the only goal was to not end up with the lowest card. Katy sat across from Edward, with George on her right and Richard on her left. All four put 5 gold coins on the table with them. "As your King, I think it fair that I deal." He gave each of them one card. "Aces low." Katy lightly lifted the card, only to have the ace of hearts stare back at her. "George?"

"I'll stay." George held onto his card and filled Katy's cup with more wine. Katy looked at Richard, who gave her a soft smile. She reached for his card and moved hers toward him. He flipped his card over, revealing the king of spades. Edward laughed at Katy's shocked reaction.

"Richard! You are supposed to help me!" Richard couldn't help but laugh. Edward traded his card for a new one from the deck.

"Please, show your cards." Katy reluctantly flipped hers and sighed. George showed the 8 of clubs and Edward the 9 of diamonds.

"I would've won if Richard hadn't ended up with a king," Katy slurred putting her coin in the middle. George passed the cards out again and Katy ended up with the ten of spades. Her head was filled with distractions and she found herself vying for attention.

"Your grace? May I be blunt?" She asked Edward, keeping her card hidden. Edward laughed and looked at Katy.

"I get worried when you ask that question, but yes."

"Is there any news on when I am to be married?" She could feel Richard tense up.

"Is there any rush I should know about?" He questioned looking at Richard. Katy smiled large and shook her head. "I am still sorting the best options for you. Have you done as you promised?"

"Of course! I would never disobey my king."

"Is that true now?" George questioned, taking a large swig of wine.

"Do you question my word, Lord Clarence?" George winked and Katy took a small sip of wine. "I am not a good liar. It's something I have never been good at."

"Tell us three things, let us see if we can find the lie," Richard suddenly chimed in. George moved closer to Katy.

"Richard would have an advantage, for he has spent much time with me," Katy protested.

"Surely there are secrets you've kept from Richard," Edward added, smirking. Richard sat back and smiled, knowing which lie he wanted to hear from Katy. She sat in silence, thinking of things that wouldn't be considered treasonous. There were many things she could admit to, like speaking Gaelic and playing Irish games, but she may be held on charge then.

"My least favorite pastime is needlework. I prefer Westminster to Sudeley. And I have never actually killed on any hunt I've been on."

"I know," Richard immediately exclaimed.

"You do not!" George hissed at him. "You simply cannot know her like this."

 "Which do you think it is then? You must have an idea. After all, you wish to marry her, do you not?" Richard taunted.

"I think you have to have killed on a hunt," Edward added.

"I agree, brother." Richard laughed and put his feet on the table. He leaned back and crossed his arms over his broad chest. His chuckles filled the air.

"Lady Kathryn does not prefer Westminster to Sudeley. Gloucestershire reminds her of home." He smugly looked at Katy, "She has a tell, but I don't believe it is up to me to disclose that information." The room span slowly around her and all memory of the night disappeared.

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