Chapter Thirty-One

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January, 1471

"Lady Kathryn," a small voice broke through the darkness. "Please awaken." Katy's eyes shot open and she sat up, grabbing the knife hidden in the sheets next to her. A small girl cowered in the corner, and Katy rushed to her feet. She was frail and in tattered clothing.

"Who are you?" Katy questioned, standing next to the bed.

"My mother sent me to you, she is a kitchen maid. There is mass tonight, at Westminster, and as you are a woman of God, it was thought you may be in attendance." Katy sensed the nerves in the child, building and she looked close to tears.

"How did you get past the guard?" Katy whispered harshly.

"I have this," she took out a piece of parchment from her sleeve and Katy walked slowly to her. She snatched it, sure to maintain her distance from the girl.

"Countess Rivers?" Katy whispered, looking over the wax seal. "How did you get this?"

"My mother said I should come directly to you, and not speak with anyone." Katy relaxed with the girl and broke the seal quickly.

"Westminster," Katy read aloud. "What is your name, child?"

"Meg, milady," she curtseyed slightly. Katy smiled sweetly at the girl and crouched to her height.

"Meg, I am hoping you may be willing to help me. I have so many letters to send, but I am not allowed to send them," Katy whispered. Meg giggled and spun, exactly as Lizzie would. Katy's heart broke thinking of the small princess. Meg nodded furiously, smiling bright. Katy returned her smile. "Come back to me soon and I will give them to you. You should return to your mother," Katy spoke softly, opening her chamber doors. Meg ran out quickly, scurrying through the darkness. Katy's guard lay sleeping on the ground and she sighed, lightly tapping him. His eyes bolted open and he rushed to his feet.

"Lady Kathryn, my apologies." He bowed low to her and looked through the corridor. "What awakens you at this hour?"

"Jack, I am terribly sorry to disturb you. I must attend mass at Westminster. I have had a terrible nightmare and must pray immediately," she lied, moving past him in the corridor. The guard did not question her but escorted her through the streets of London to the large church.

"I must pray alone," she whispered, slipping into the church. The door closed softly behind her and she breathed heavily, realizing the extent of her treason. She listened to distant rustling and forgot how to breathe, praying this was not a trap. Katy hid herself in the shadows, keeping away from the emerging people.

"She may not have been able to break from the guards."

"Thomas, you have not seen her treatment under Lord Warwick. You must trust me, she is coming."
"Warwick's men would never bring her, Lord Lovell!" Katy's heart fluttered, realizing she was now in the presence of Francis and Thomas Grey, Elizabeth's eldest son. It was the closest she'd come to friends, or people she trusted, in weeks. Yet she could not find the courage to voice her presence or even move towards them. "Some of the servants have expressed their concern for Lady Kathryn to my Mother and Grandmother. I have heard the stories. I could not imagine my sisters dealing with such a hardship, yet she remains resilient." Thomas paused and looked at Francis in the darkness. "Think of what Richard and Thomas will do," his voice trailed off. "I would never let these acts stand to my sisters or love."

"Richard will kill the lot. Any man that has touched her or threatened her will lose his life. I will ensure Roger is the first, though a hanging maybe too easy for him." Katy moved from the shadows, revealing herself in the dim light. Her face softened at the sight of Francis and Thomas.

"I have been removed from Warwick, again. As it would happen, Lord Somerset has given my care to Lord Tudor until they find a suitable husband for me," Katy laughed to herself, smiling at the men. Francis quickly embraced her, kissing her forehead. "How is Anne? And the baby?"

"Safe in Yorkshire. She writes asking of you, but I haven't the heart to tell her your struggles," he whispered. Katy looked over his shoulder at young Thomas, who wasn't so young any longer.

"Thomas, you have grown tremendously," Katy called from Francis' arms. He beamed at her kind words. "I cannot remember that last time I saw you, but you are a man now."

"I am happy to see you in good health and spirits, Lady Kathryn. You should follow me, quickly," Thomas looked at the door, guiding Katy and Francis into the catacombs. "Mother!" He called running towards a locked cellar. The door swung open and Katy faced the Queen's mother, Jacquetta.

"Lady Rivers!" Katy whispered harshly.

"Come my dear." Her arm wrapped around Katy, leading her further into the cellar. "We have heard your struggles. Are you alright?"
"I have been moved to Jasper Tudor's care. He has been kind and my treatment has improved. They are searching for a suitable husband for me," Katy whispered.

"We will not let that happen," Jacquetta assured her. "Elizabeth!" A dark figure stood and faced Katy. Katy lowered herself in the presence of her friend, closing her eyes slightly.

"Your Grace, I am pleased to see you again." Elizabeth stood frozen, just as Katy had been moments before. "I am shocked to be here as well. I am sorry I have been unable to visit sooner. I believe there was worry I would claim sanctuary," Katy whispered. Lizzie attempted to push her way to Katy, but Richard, her brother, held her hand tightly.

"How do I know you have not shifted, Lady Kathryn?" Her face was worn with stress and distrust. "I have heard your Father played a role in transferring your wardship."

"Your Grace, you must understand, Lady Kathryn was in danger with Warwick's men." Francis asserted, "I have witnessed the abuse against her firsthand. Just last month, I witnessed a man threaten to rape her before Jasper Tudor defended her. Anything her Father did was for her safety. He is a York supporter at heart."

"Tudor is no friend to me. He will not stop while Edward is alive and has a claim. These men want something from you Katy. That is why they are bringing you to top members of the family."

"May I speak freely?" Katy questioned, hear tracing and hands shaking at this sudden show of distrust. Elizabeth nodded slightly, never breaking eye contact with her. "They are using me to keep Richard and Thomas at bay. Richard would not forgive himself if anything happens to me and they know that." Katy paused and looked at the ground, "What they do not know is I am not Kathryn of Kildare any longer. Richard and I married with Edward's permission at Gloucester Cathedral before he met Edward to face George and Warwick. The only proof of my support for you and Edward is my own title, Lady Kathryn, Duchess of Gloucester." Elizabeth blinked slowly and Lizzie removed herself from Richard's grasp.

"Your Grace," Lady Rivers curtseyed to Katy. Lizzie wrapped her arms around Katy's legs, and she smiled, looking up at the lady.

"The marriage is a secret at court. I have done what I must to survive, but I have everything to lose, just as you do, if they do not return." Elizabeth walked slowly to her, softening her face to the young woman. She wrapped her arms around her and wept softly.

"I am extremely happy you have returned to my service."

"You must believe me, your Grace, I would never willingly leave your service. I will do all I can to ensure Edward is restored. And I pray for the safe return of our husbands daily."

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