Chapter Forty-Nine

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Katy's eyes shot open, looking around her dark room. Just behind the closed doors, a small cry echoed. Richard slept uncomfortably on a chair in the corner and she moved quietly, careful not to disturb him. He stirred softly as her feet hit the cold floor and she stopped breathing, looking at him. He mumbled to himself, turning in the chair. She was tired. Well, more exhausted than anything, but motherly instincts took over. She listened to the cries, wanting to be with them. Eyes heavy, she slipped from her chambers into the children's darkness. Katy moved quickly, lighting a small number of candles. Flickers of orange and yellow dance through the room as she moved towards little Catherine. John slept soundly next to her. Katy couldn't help but smile, picking up the small girl and cradling her in her arms.

"Perhaps you are hungry," Katy whispered, sitting in a chair across the room. She released the chemise, freeing her bosom. Her eyes became heavy as she guided the small child to suckle. "Your father would be disappointed in me, but this will be our secret," Katy teased. Her eyes widened as the sudden pressure from her girl, feeling the release of her stored milk. Katy laughed to herself, "We must have you grow to be big and strong."

"Your Grace," a young woman curtseyed in her presence. In her exhaustion, Katy hadn't even noticed her enter. Katy did not recognize her. Her long blonde hair moved slightly, and her green eyes shone in the candlelight. "I am terribly sorry to disturb you, but I can take the child."

"And who may you be?" Katy questioned, closing her eyes again.

"They call me Maggie. His Grace has employed me as your children's wetnurse." Katy smiled, looking over the woman. She may have been no older than Gerald, twenty-six at the most.

"Maggie? I rather like that." Maggie looked over John, still soundly sleeping. "Should you like to return to bed, you may. I am quite confident with my children. But I do like the company." Maggie looked to Catherine, smiling softly.

"She is beautiful, your Grace," she complimented sweetly. Catherine's eyes now shut tightly, and her suckling was slowing. "She looks like the Duke." A mess of dark hair sprouted from her head, and Katy kissed her lightly. She inhaled the unfamiliar, yet familiar scent of her baby. A scent she wished she'd smell daily.

"I should hope she takes after him, because I do not believe my husband could handle having another girl like me." Katy's eyes were drawn towards the door slowly opening, with Anne Lovell sliding into the room.

"Katy? What are you doing up at such an hour?" Katy stood holding Catherine close to her, smiling to her friend. Anne was pale, her bottom lip quivering, and her eyes darting across the room.

"I met Maggie, the wet-nurse." Anne cocked her head to the side, looking at Katy full of confusion. "She is-" Katy now looked at the empty room. "She must've gone to bed. I had excused her."

"Perhaps, I should take Catherine." Katy took a step back, cradling the girl closer to her.

"I want her," Katy asserted, protecting her.

"You must be tired," Anne attempted to reason. Anne Neville slid in next, stifling a gasp. "Surely you wish to see Richard." She turned her attention to Anne, whispering to her. Anne moved against the wall slowly towards Katy's chambers.

"Anne do not wake him. He needs to rest." Anne Neville stopped in her tracks, looking towards Anne Lovell.

"Anne, we should awaken him."

"I command you to leave him be!" Anne Neville looked to Katy, smiling softly.

"It is cold, let me get your sleeping robe. I swear to not disturb him," Anne assured, waiting eagerly for Katy to respond. A wave of fatigue hit her again, and now it seemed breathing was becoming difficult. She was suddenly cold but feeling her body wet.

"Thank you, Lady Anne." Anne moved slowly into Katy's chambers, closing the door behind her. Katy and Anne's muffled voices barely carried through the closed door. She rushed to Richard, still on the chair.

"Richard!" She harshly whispered. His eyes shot open, though full of confusion and he looked around the room. "Something is wrong," she called, trying to hold back the tears now forming in her eyes. Richard sat up and looked at the empty bed. He rushed to his feet facing her.

"Where is she?" He panicked, rushing from the room. The door swung open and Richard's eyes swelled as he looked at Katy holding Catherine. Her skin was white, wet, and her eyes looked dark. "Katy," he breathed, a tear falling from his eye. He looked down at the white fabric, which was stained dark from her waist down. "Give her to me." Richard was firm, trying to hide his fear from her.

"I want her," Katy called back. "She's not yours!"

"She is mine! Give her to me now! That is an order, Katy." John now began crying in the chaos. Katy could see Richard was overwhelmed, trying to hide emotions from her. He moved towards her slowly, arms extended. Katy lowered her head, looking down at her baby girl. She handed her to Richard, who quickly handed Catherine to Anne. "Call the physician." Richard's arm slid around her waist. Katy's eyes rolled into the back of her head and her body went limp. "Now!" He screamed, holding her up. "Move the children from the room immediately!" Richard carried Katy into his chambers, lightly placing her on his bed. He stood over her, holding her hand and kissing her forehead. He said nothing, hoping he may hear her laugh. Hoping this was a joke she had planned for weeks, but she breathed slowly.

Richard paced in the room as the physician examined Katy. He watched from afar, praying to God that she may be healed. Tears streamed down his face, and his hand balled into fists. Francis and Anne Lovell stood behind him; Anne wrapped in Francis' arms. Richard would embrace Anne Neville as time stretched without her movement, crying into her arms.

"I should speak with his Grace, alone," the physician whispered. The others retreated into another room, leaving him. He put his hand on Richard arm, shaking his head. "The Duchess' fate is in the hands of God. We should pray for her." Richard's hand shook and his head dropped. "I will leave you to say your goodbyes." He left quietly, leaving Richard alone with Katy. Richard did not approach her, he stood still letting his tears hit the ground.

"You promised me you'd never leave me." He paused, looking at her. "We'd never say goodbye, because one may not come back."

"Richard," she breathed, her eyes opened slightly. "I am so cold." Richard rushed to grab his sleep robe and placed it over her, kneeling beside her.

"What am I to do without you?" He whispered on her hand, kissing it softly.

"Marry her," Katy whispered, sounding weaker. She turned slowly to look at him, "My children need a mother. One who is kind and will love them as I would have." Richard remained quiet, staring into her eyes. "God blessed me with you," she whispered. "I am lucky to have loved you."

"I will not marry, and we will be united in Paradise under Him," Richard asserted, taking her other hand.

"You must marry. But I will always love you."

"I love you," he whispered, beginning to weep. Katy's eyes closed and she exhaled, never to inhale again.



I am sure you all hate me, but I knew this is how things would close for Katy and Richard since I started writing the story. It was the natural progression given how the history is. However, on the bright side, the story is not done quite yet. Next chapter should be coming within the next week or so!

Genuinely curious though, did anyone suspect that she would pass?

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