Chapter Eighteen

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September, 1469

Katy lay on the cold floor, reading the influx of letters she suddenly received. The sun rose just outside her window, turning the dark sky into shades of blue and yellow. She scanned over the letter quickly, being unable to sleep. Thomas simply described his time at Middleham. He was a prisoner in the best sense. He was able to write to a select few, Katy not being one, but he found his ways. There was no torture, only the subtle art of persuasion. With Kildare's support of George, the Yorkist supporters of Ireland may follow in its lead. Thomas joked that he may be in captivity just long enough to convince Gerald and their father to send their army. He also realized the disaster avoided through her betrothal to Richard, for George would've been an unfavorable match.

According to Richard, he did not know how much longer he would be away. George failed to find support in Parliament and had not been declared king. He hoped to return to her soon, as he expected Warwick and George would never succeed. Lord Warwick clearly manipulated each situation and continued to try to declare Edward a bastard, to no avail. Richard fought for his brother fiercely, showing support as the youngest York duke.

Back home, Ann's baby was growing nicely. Patrick could not love or adore her any more than he did. She wrote that her belly was expanding, but she did not look forward to her confinement. She wished Katy could be there to support her during that special time. She hoped for a boy, though suspected she may be carrying a girl.

As promised, she was barricaded in the Tower. Katy longed to be back at Sudeley. She had come to find a home there and had yet to experience a summer in the gardens, and now summer had come a close. Sudeley enabled her to escape from the chaos of court and the royal lifestyle. She was free to be herself away from anyone who may judge. Richard had granted Katy more independence than she obtained back home, and she took advantage of her newfound freedom.

Katy stood quickly and dressed herself, looking over London. The light blue dress shone in the early hours of morning, matching the sky above. She quietly exited her chambers and wandered the Tower. It may have been her only time to be alone as no one was awake except for a few soldiers. Katy moved in the shadows, sliding her way through the large doors of the great hall. Light began to flood the room and danced on the floor around her. She extended her arms out and span slowly, looking up at the ceiling.

"Lady Kathryn," a young man suddenly spoke, "I did not expect anyone this early. I will leave you." She noticed the vielle in his hands and smiled.

"Sir, could you play me something? Preferably fast paced?" The young man smiled softly and bowed to her. He picked up the fiddle and music filled the air. Katy cleared her mind and simply let the music determine her dancing. She moved to the tune, spinning and hopping while smiling and laughing. Her musician could not help but laugh along with her in the early hours of the morning. Katy did not have a care in the world, for this was the happiest she had felt since she was given the news of her brother's imprisonment and Richard's departure.

A hand suddenly grabbed hers and span Katy in circles. Her dress gained volume and Katy erupted in laughter, feeling more at ease. She stopped spinning, her hand still resting in her partner's.

"Thomas!" She exclaimed breathless, as he moved with her around the hall to the music. Thomas chuckled but said nothing. He continued to guide her through the dancing. Katy's feet crossed over each other quickly, yet oddly graceful. She lifted her dress slightly, to not trip over it. Katy looked at Thomas and grinned from ear to ear with excitement. Another hand slid onto her waist and quickly took her left hand. Thomas began clapping and stomping to the music. She looked away from the familiar light eyes, awestruck. Richard led her around the hall, smirking to Katy's shocked reaction.

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