Chapter Thirty-Five

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Spring finally arrived in England, filling the land with shades of green and blooming colors. Katy stood in the sun, overlooking Gloucester from its walls. She and Richard had rushed back to Gloucester in the hopes of stopping Margaret of Anjou from crossing into Wales.

"Your Grace," John Townsend whispered, taking her hand and kissing it.

"Mr. Townsend! I must confess, I am in your debt. I may have been in a nunnery, if not for your kind actions."

"It was the least we could do. You have been so kind to the people of Gloucester, they were more than willing to stand for you. Once your father expressed his concern, we prepared to fight together, as we do now. Your men will land in our harbor in due time."

"I pray they make it before the battle."

"Do not fret. You shall have the support for victory you so desire." A soft whistle came from the ground and Katy looked over the wall only to meeting Richard's gaze looking up to her.

"And what are you doing up there?" She smiled and leaned on the rough stone.

"Thanking God for a beautiful day. You should join Mr. Townsend and I, my dear." Richard chuckled and charged up the staircase. Katy turned and looked back over the expansive lands, remaining quiet. Richard took few steps toward her, his smile disappearing as he approached.

"Are you not happy to see me?"

"Come away from the wall, Katy," he spoke seriously. "Do not seem rushed." His eyes moved past her, into the expansive field. Katy moved slowly towards him, looking over her shoulder to the lands. In the distance, a large group marched towards them.

"Richard," Katy whispered as bells began to ring.

"Close the gates!" Richard yelled, grabbing Katy's hand and pulling her to him. Mayor Townsend rushed to the wall, overlooking the coming army. Chaos erupted, men yelled back and forth, organizing protection. A small girl rode in the group, with unmistakable brown hair. Katy watched Anne ride slowly with the group. "I see her," he spoke, holding her hand tightly.

"We must do something."

"We can do nothing now. She has committed herself."

"She did no such thing. I confess, I do not know Lady Anne well, but I believe her to be of sound character and morals. But one must protect one's self. She has done what her father thought best and now must preserve herself."

"Do you speak from experience?" Richard spoke bluntly, looking ahead. Katy shot daggers to him and huffed quietly.

"I refuse to answer such a question. Do not patronize me like that," she chided him.

"He is with them," Richard growled, pushing Katy behind him. "That fool, Somerset. He rides in support of his Queen, Margaret of Anjou, yet leaves King Henry locked in the Tower."

"Your anger and resentment will be of no help to you on the battlefield. You must be of sound mind."

"Lord Mayor, I request you open Gloucester's gates and allow us to pass through on King Henry's orders." Edmund and John stood tall, holding his ground to the Militant Queen.

"Gloucester recognizes the rule of Edward IV, King of England. On the request of the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, our gates will remain closed until your army has passed."

"Duchess? Who is the duchess?" Margaret called to Edmund, her horse moving slightly. John looked to Katy and Richard. Richard nodded but did not move, staying close to the back of the wall and hidden from sight.

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