Chapter Fifty

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She was brought back to London, though her family wished to bring her closer to them. Richard wanted her to remain at Sudeley, but Edward gave orders. Her family sailed immediately, once the news was delivered. Lord and Lady Kildare were inconsolable, along with Anne. Gerald pressured himself to gather a strong front to support the family, but when he saw his sister lain out on the table, devoid of all her charm and life, he too could not hold back his grief. Thomas fell to his knees, distraught at the loss of her. Richard had chosen her to rest in her red dress with the Celtic symbols, the one she had worn when she first dined with him.

Richard had no more tears to shed. He had a family to provide for, one without a guiding light. She would never forgive him for not caring for their children, and they were his priority. Richard's heart tore into pieces as Lizzie walked behind her at her funeral. Her love for Katy may have rivaled his own, and she cried till she could cry no more. Richard held her hand, walking with her slowly as they took away his love. Lizzie wiped her tears with his hand, just as he'd seen her do with Katy's. Richard held himself well, he only broke when alone. Though, when he needed comfort he turned to Anne. Without Katy's presence, Anne's guardianship returned to George. They would meet in secret as their love slowly blossomed.

For the longest time she was alone. She simply watched his life go on without her. Richard married Anne Neville not long after Katy passed, and Anne took on the role of mother her children. Katy was both grateful and disappointed, as her children would never know her but had a good woman to mother them. Richard had another son with Anne, Edward. Though he was frail and sickly, unlike her own children. John grew into a strong boy, rivaling his Uncles and acting out as Katy had. Catherine had come to look exactly like Katy, just with dark curls. She was reserved as her father was, with small outbursts that reminded Richard of her Mother.

"And as Gawain jumped over me, she was petrified I had been killed!" Richard teased, his three children sitting before him. John grabbed Catherine, trying to scare her. She instinctively hit him, pushing him off her.

"Didn't Mama know Gawain would never hurt you?" Catherine questioned, clutching her doll to her chest.

"Your Mother was bright, just as you are, Catherine. But she was scared, my dear."

"But you were not scared! Were you, Father?" John asked eagerly.

"It is alright to be scared. She taught me that too."

"What of my Mother?" Young Edward called, from the side of his siblings. Richard looked towards him, scooping him up into his arms.

"Your Mother is the gentlest soul I have met, and I am lucky she married me." Anne stood in the doorway looking over the children.

"But you fought for our mother, right Papa?" Catherine called, not realizing Anne stood behind her. "Uncle Thomas told me of Flanders, how you both fought to return to her. That you killed Lancaster supporters for her hand!"

"Did anyone have to die for you to marry my Mother?" Edward asked curiously. Richard put his boy down, smiling softly.

"You should go back to your games," he advised, standing and moving towards Anne. He kissed her lightly, pushing past.

"You mustn't fault him for that. He does not know any better." Richard paused and exhaled forcefully.

"They deserve to know her. She is their Mother."

"I am their Mother," Anne asserted. "I raised them. And our son only wishes for them to accept him."

"They do. He is their brother."

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