Chapter Thirteen

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The ship rocked with the ocean as Katy laid on the small bed. She closed her eyes and attempted to sleep, still feeling the motions. Her stomach churned with the constant rolling. Unfortunately, the more she thought of it, the worst she became. She clutched her stomach, hoping for some relief. Heavy footsteps above her kept her away, wondering when she would be close to land. Wood creaked quietly and she stirred, taking deep breaths.

"Looking at the horizon helps. It's an old sailor's trick." Katy sat up and looked at the shadowy figure. Richard flashed a smile as the moonlight lit his eyes.

"I am unable to leave," Katy whispered. "I feel ill." Richard stretched out his hand to her.

"Most of the crew is asleep, I will take you up," he whispered. Katy took his rough hand and he led her to the deck. The frigid air nipped at her body and she shivered slightly. Goosebumps covered her body and she rubbed her hand together, wanting to warm her fingers. He rested on the ship's rail and looked out over the ocean. "Keep an eye on the moonlight on the water." The moon lit up the sky, and stars glistened in the silence. The ship seemed to be steady while up here, and Katy's condition improved. Neither she, nor Richard dared to speak. Richard seemed to be dreading something he needed to share. Katy felt his tension and put her hand on his. He didn't look at her, simply at the moon and sighed.

"What is it?" Katy asked quietly. Richard's dark curls moved slightly in the wind. His blue eyes scanned over Katy, who held her breath, waiting for her answer.

"Edward has put very specific rules in place for your visit." Katy swallowed dryly waiting for more. Richard looked back over the ocean. "No one is to know you have come until after I have delivered his first decree."

"First decree?" She now felt ill for a different reason.

"Your father will receive a pension, in exchange for his continued support of Edward. He must agree to it before you reveal yourself."

"Then he uses me as a pawn? To exert his power over my family and force them to submission." Richard nodded without looking at her. Katy stayed silent, partially in shock. Perhaps, she was most upset with her own naivety. This was the exact situation her family had warned her against from the beginning.

"What if he does not?" Katy trailed off, looking back at Richard.

"We must depart, immediately."

"I would not see them? Richard, you can't possibly enforce..."

"Does it look like I have a choice? This is our test, Katy. Edward is testing yours and my loyalty to him! And you must obey, or it may be the end," Richard pleaded with her.

"Pick between my family or you?" Katy whispered, removing her hand from his.

"It will not come to that," Richard assured her.

"My father has shown nothing but loyalty to Edward and your father before him. Why must he continue to test us?" Katy's face flushed and she no longer felt the cold winds. "How will he know?"

"Edward has many spies that report to him. Even they do not know of our arrival, but they will report our visit once it is complete. Do not dwell, Katy. I will push for him to formally declare his loyalty." Katy curtseyed and turned back, walking toward her room.

"I wish to be alone, your Grace." Katy stormed back and slammed the door behind her. She no longer felt the swaying ship. Anger and nerves fueled her emotions. She laid down on the tough bed and stared at the ceiling. She simply could not imagine her father refusing to declare for Edward, especially when she and Thomas were in his court. Her fear was irrational, but it had been a long time since she had left. Katy remained in her chambers fabricating every possible scenario, and how she would hold herself. But she also knew, for her and her family's safety, she must return with Richard.

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