Chapter Twenty-Two

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July, 1470

Katy scurried through the palace, making her way toward the King's chamber's. She slipped in without making a sound. The arguing was deafening from the next room. Mixes of Edward, Richard, Elizabeth, and Anthony filled the air. She had been summoned but given no context. Tension was high when she turned the corner and immediately lowered herself.

"Your Graces," she began. Thomas stood behind Richard, examining a letter closely. She was sure that was the cause of the chaos.

"This is the ultimate betrayal! Warwick has gone too far!" Edward yelled hitting the table. "First, he convinces our brother to join in his cause, marries George to his daughter, and now joins with Margaret of Anjou in favor of her husband over me!"

"Lord Warwick wishes to put Henry back on the throne? I thought he wanted George to be king?" Katy questioned in disbelief.

"It would seem George has been displaced," Richard added. "In favor of Edward of Westminster." Katy could not help but laugh.

"He cannot possibly be serious," Katy added. "He is horrific. He cannot possibly generate the support he would need." Thomas passed the letter to Richard and he extended it to Katy. She skimmed the writing quickly, not processing fully what she was reading. Towards the bottom, she focused on a familiar name in a terrifying sentence. "Lady Anne Neville is betrothed to Edward of Westminster," Katy whispered. Her voice cracked and her throat was dry. "We must find a way to stop it!"

"How could Warwick marry her to such a monster!" Richard added, moving next to Katy.

"I knew Warwick was angry, but never did I imagine something such as this," Edward spoke, trying to control his rage. Katy looked at Elizabeth, who seemed to be scheming.

"What of George? Surely, he has nothing to gain through this union," she added.

"I'd wager he did not know," Jacquetta added in. "Come Elizabeth." The two left quickly, leaving Katy alone with the men.

"George will always be my brother. There is always forgiveness for him," Edward added. He turned his attention to Thomas, "Would your father send his support before your sister marries Richard?"

"My father is loyal and will support you. I can write asking for him to begin assembling."

"What of your sister's husband in Wexford?"

"Patrick will follow in my father's lead."

"Brother, if I may?" Richard questioned approaching the table. "The marriage should not be delayed." Edward did not look up from the map on the table. "You do not account for the support the people have for her. Gloucestershire is extremely fond of Katy and its people will support you through her. I have no doubt Kildare's men are the same."

"You should not have any distractions, Richard," Edward snapped back.

"With all due respect, brother, I will be distracted whether we are married or not."

"Then perhaps I should send her away now." Edward turned his attention to Katy, who suddenly forgot how to breathe. "What would you have me do? Certainly, you've listened to your father, as Thomas has. He has given sound advice, but I should like your fresh mind." Katy approached the table, scanning the pieces placed.

"Prepare for invasion. You have support in London and could muster support west in Gloucester. I would focus my efforts in the North, calling upon those loyal to you to raise their men so there is no surprise. With the trouble in the Midlands, I cannot say whom they would support, though that is Warwick's country."

"What of Wales? They will no doubt support Lancaster. How are we to thwart their attack?" He asked softening his face to her. She furrowed her brow, concentrating on the layout before her.

"May I?" She asked motioning to the pieces. Edward nodded and watched Katy silently from across the table. Richard stood next to her, observing her picking the pieces. "Should the Welsh lords begin to be restless, I would rely heavily on Richard and Francis' influence of Gloucester. Katy lightly placed a boar and dog piece on the map. "Cut off Welsh ties with any other lords wishing to revolt." She smiled at a piece of her own arms and placed it on the coast. "If need be, send a message to my Father in Kildare through Wexford asking for their support," Katy moved the piece over the sea and to Ireland. "Our men would enter through Gloucester and block any movements towards London." She moved all Kildare pieces and put them on the major roads to London. Edward looked up at her, mouth gaped and silent. "It is, of course, only a theory. I know only what I have heard my father or brothers speak of." Thomas chuckled to himself.

"If not for your sex, Lady Kathryn, you may have made a fierce military commander," Edward chuckled. "This is brilliant, and I believe it is an option to be considered. How long has it been since you were in Gloucester?" He turned his attention to Richard.

"Long term? It has been a long time." Richard responded calmly.

"You must return at once. Entertain the nobles and show them how loved they are by their King." Richard nodded quickly. "Of course, Lady Kathryn will accompany you. Baron Lovell should also be present, as he has a key part of this strategy. You are free to leave immediately." Katy curtseyed and beamed, looking up at Richard as they exited the chambers. He smiled and laced his fingers with hers, increasing his speed. Katy breathed heavily as Richard led her into her chambers.

"I am awed by you, once again!" Richard grabbed her and kissed her passionately. "When can you be ready?"

"If it means we can depart today, I will be ready within the hour." Katy rushed to her chest and took her favorite dresses, quickly laying them on her bed. "I am rather excited to be going home!" Katy squealed while placing the dresses nicely into her trunk. "For it has been so long since we have been there, together."

"What did you say?" Richard asked, confusion in his voice. Katy did not look up as she gathered her shoes.

"We are going home!" She exclaimed again, looking up at Richard. He was suddenly overcome with emotion, his eyes slightly watering but wore the largest smile Katy had seen.

"Home?" He questioned, moving towards Katy. She nodded and smiled slightly, touching his face.

"You are my home, now," she whispered lightly kissing his lips once more. Richard stood frozen, unsure how to react to Katy's expression of her feelings. He looked her up and down, smirking slightly. He picked her up, laughing, and spun her round the chamber. "Put me down!" Katy protested, while joining in his laughs. The door suddenly crashed into the wall.

"Is it true? We are to leave London?" Francis asked excitedly. Anne rushed in behind him.

"Immediately!" Richard laughed, still holding Katy close. Anne smiled and ran from the room, elated by the news. Francis followed, beginning to gather their belongings no doubt.

"We should throw a great feast upon our return! The Mayor of Gloucester should be in attendance, along with his family. We must give them a good time." Richard's smile had not vanished as he looked at Katy.

"Anything you think best will be done." He chuckled to himself, looking away from her, "I should not want to be opposite you in any battle," he teased.

"And with any luck, you will not have to be!" She poked back. Katy's face suddenly turned serious and she took a deep breath. "We must also discuss how to help the Lady Anne, for she cannot marry Edward of Westminster."

"I concur. We can discuss once we are out of London," Richard whispered, leading her out of the chambers. "We must first be away from those we cannot trust."

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