Chapter Twenty

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Winter, 1470

Lizzie clung to Katy's hand walking through Westminster Palace. As she got older, her hair became redder and it looked as if she was of relation to Katy. Lizzie had now become known as a troublemaker. She was headstrong and stubborn, but extremely lovable. The young princess wanted nothing more than be exactly like her favorite lady and she copied everything Katy did. Katy beamed while listening to Lizzie humming with each step.

"Lady Kathryn?" She questioned, jumping from one foot to another.

"Yes Princess?"

"When did you know you loved Uncle Richard?" Katy stopped in her track and knelt down to the small girl. She swayed to and fro, waiting patiently for Katy's answer.

"May I ask you a question first?" Lizzie giggled and nodded. "Why do you have so many questions regarding Uncle Richard and myself?" Katy lightly pressed on Lizzie's nose.

"You smile when you see him. I should like to love someone."

"You are to marry the Duke of Bedford, I hear he is a nice boy." Katy commented, "And you may learn to love him." Katy simply could not tell her marriage for love hardly happened. Even her own marriage had benefits for Richard and Edward.

"Uncle Richard!" Lizzie ran towards him. Richard laughed and picked up his niece, spinning her round. Lizzie whispered in his ear and he looked at Katy, smirking. Katy strolled towards them, taking Richard's extended arm.

"When did you know you loved me?" He questioned as Lizzie giggled. "You must've known before I fell from Gawain."

"During our time at Sudeley," Katy teased. "That is where I began to love you."

"That long? I knew when you rode with me to Sudeley." Katy looked at him from the side, while he flashed a quick smile. "When others thought you were running away."

"Lady Kathryn would never leave us," Lizzie called, squirming in Richard's arms. Richard paused and lightly placed Lizzie on the ground.

"Was Lady Kathryn returning you to your mother?" Lizzie nodded and took Katy's hand again. "We best get you to her in a timely manner." Lizzie skipped with every step Katy took, humming her song again. Katy's heart skipped a beat in tune with the young princess, and she looked at Richard.

"I want one," she whispered so only he could hear. He raised his eyebrows and grinned, trying to hold back laughter.

"Only one?" He teased. "I should hope we have more."

"I will be happy with how ever many God blesses me with," Katy spoke quietly.

"Mama!" Lizzie ran to her mother. Elizabeth picked her up and rested her on her hip. "We went to the stables again."

"And how are the horses?" Elizabeth questioned excitedly for my daughter. Lizzie spoke quietly to her mother and Elizabeth couldn't help but smile.

"Your Grace," Katy lowered herself and took her place next to Anne Lovell. Richard bowed and departed.

"He is happy with her," Anne commented quietly to Isabel. "You can see it plainly."

"You were meant to marry him, not her," Isabel snapped back.

"I do not believe she hates us. Perhaps we may even-"

"I do not plan on being her friend. We were passed over. First by the Queen and her family, and now by an Irish newcomer. I was married without the King's permission as a sign of open rebellion. We will never have what the Queen has and what Katy will get, don't you see that? Richard looks at her as if she were the only women in the world," Isabel scolded. Katy looked to Anne Lovell, who remained still. In that moment, everything was put together. Isabel and Anne were no more than pawns in their father's game. Pieces to be given away in the hopes of forcing the King away from from his own protection. She felt for the girls. Anne had spent her childhood vying for Richard's attention, and Katy had stolen them rather quickly. Isabel was blind-sighted by her marriage to George, not having one for love as she thought, as every girl hopes for. Katy did not dare say a word, as she was not supposed to know of this conversation.

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