Chapter Twenty-Nine

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November, 1470

Katy and Francis attempted to not bring any attention to themselves. Katy's cloak always remained on, hiding herself from anyone who may wish to bring her harm. Francis continually scanned their surroundings for any sign of George or Warwick's men. The two continually kept their guard up, never knowing what awaited them around the corner.

It must have been day three or four of the journey, Katy had lost count through her daydreaming and worrying. They must have another four or 5 days till Gloucester, Katy thought to herself. Morgan walked slowly, which thrilled Katy, for as she would've been more stressed if Morgan overworked herself. Francis stopped ahead of her, signaling for her to stop as well. Katy held her breath, hearing the approaching hoofbeats. Katy tore off her riding glove, forcing her ring off her finger and moving it to another one.

"Woah," a man called, quickly bring his horse to a stop. Katy looked away, keeping her head down.

"Francis," Katy whispered.

"Say nothing," he advised immediately.

"Who are you? And where do you head to?"

"We are on the King's business. Now I advise you to let us pass," Francis articulated confidently, trying to ride through. The front man laughed, moving his finger towards Francis and Katy. The men moved towards them, surrounding Francis, but leaving the path they had traveled open to Katy. Katy did not move and shied away from their eyes, though Morgan began taking steps back.

"Shh," Katy whispered, stroking her neck. Morgan huffed and Katy watched Francis lightly take the hilt of his sword.

"You will let us pass or face the punishment of the King."

"Edward has fled, Lord Lovell, and we are due to bring you to London to present court, on Lord Warwick's orders. You have gone against our one true King, Henry. Bind him, and if he gives you trouble, gag him." Francis drew his sword and Katy removed her hood, facing the man in front. He was short and broad chested, with black hair and dark eyes.

"Lord Lovell brings me to London to be presented to King Henry," Katy lied, looking at the men before her.

"Katy, no!" Francis protested, he looked at her just long enough for the other men to throw the rope around him. "Do not do this." They stuffed fabric into his mouth, and Katy looked him apologetically. He attempted to protest her divulging herself.

"Lord Lovell hopes my own presentation will be enough for his pardon. He is, after all, nephew-in-law to Lord Warwick. And he is no fool when opportunity presents itself."

"And who may you be? You certainly seem to think you are worthy of such a pardon."

"Lady Kathryn of Kildare, betrothed to the Duke of Gloucester." They men whispered to each other, looking her over.

"I will certainly be knighted if I am able to give Lady Kathryn to Lord Warwick," the leader boasted. He snatched Katy's reigns and tied Morgan to his horse. Morgan huffed and whinnied, pushing her ears back and snapping at the new horse. "Bind her, as well. That way there are no surprises," he maliciously ordered, smirking at Katy.

"That is no way to treat a lady of court!" Katy's arms were forced behind her back and quickly tied together. The rope dug into her skin, burning slightly as she fought.

"You are no longer a lady of court. You relinquished that right when you supported the usurper York King."


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