Chapter Forty-Five

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October, 1471

Katy's eyes shot open to the sound of boots softly roaming the room. She lay on her side, opposite of the noise and closed her eyes again.

"Were you not going say goodbye to me?" She yawned, keeping her eyes closed, stirring softly in the bed. Richard's laugh filled the air and he moved to her, moving down to her eye level and placing his lips on her forehead. Katy erupted in goosebumps from his light touch. "Where are you going at this hour?" She questioned, looking into his light eyes, a smiling spreading upon her face.

"Are you well?" He whispered, stroking her hair. "You have no pain?"

"We are well," she put her hand on plump belly. "My only discomfort is from him," Katy laughed. "Where do you go?" She asked again.

"I have matters to attend to with the Lord Mayor. He has expressed his happiness with your condition, but we must meet to discuss the state of Gloucester."

"You will give him my best? He has given so much for us," she trailed off, thinking of her last memory of John. She shuddered at his terrified face, and Roger standing over him. Her blood boiled with the thought of him.

"Of course, my dear," he kissed her again. Richard quietly left the room, shutting the door softly. Richard's muffled voice lightly traveled through the room, and she heard the door open again, followed but he soft shuffle of feet.

"Good morning, Lady Anne," Katy called, still laying in the same spot Richard had left her. She felt sudden tension and silence.

"I am terribly sorry to disturb you, your Grace." Katy pushed herself up, groaning with each movement.

"Anne, how many times must I tell you. You may call me Katy. You have earned the right," Katy assured, lightly standing and taking a deep breath. She looked at Anne who beamed at the foot of her bed. "I am happy you are here, for I fear I do not think I could dress myself any longer."

"You must be close," Anne commented, looking over the dresses with her. "Izzy was around your size when..." Anne looked to Katy with sad eyes.

"I was devastated to learn of her hardship and loss. It was always my intention to attempt to rectify our differences, but I never had the chance. It is difficult not being in hers or George's favor. Though I am to blame for our dismissal from court." Anne stifled a laugh and looked to Katy.

"If I may, how?" Katy bit her lip and giggled.

"You mustn't tell. For it involves you, unfortunately." Anne's smile grew and she nodded eagerly. "I asked George if his disfavor of me came from spurning marriage to him in favor of Richard." Anne gasped and covered her mouth, eyes wide. "Richard asked for me to apologize, and I responded with 'I am sorry I could not do more for the Lady Anne.' And I turned and left while he raved. Next I knew we were excused, though you were coming with us," Katy laughed. "Truthfully, I have always liked you Anne. You were one of the few to greet me when I arrived at court. I could not let you stay in the care of Prince Edward or George. You are no longer the child I met in the past, and you have learned quite a bit from Margaret of Anjou, so it seems."

"I have learned more from you," Anne whispered. "You do not show fear in the face of adversity. You do as you think right and just."

"I wish that were true, but I am always terrified of whom my actions my punish."

"You are the Duchess of Gloucester, Kathryn of Kildare." Katy laughed as Anne tied her bodice together.

"Do not forget, you are Anne Neville, the Kingmaker's Daughter. There is more power in your name than I will hold in my entire lifetime." Anne said nothing, looking at the ground. "He does love you Anne." Her eyes became wide and she avoided eye contact with Katy. "You have nothing to fear with me. He cares about your wellbeing and fought hard for your happiness. He is a good friend."

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