Chapter Forty-Six

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Katy stood in her chambers overlooking the gardens. Richard paced, showing signs of unrest. His hands fidgeted and he took rapid breaths. The sun shone down on him as he buried his face in his hands, finally looking up at the sky. He was flushed with anger and despair, having heard the rumor in Gloucester. Katy gulped, watching him from afar. Her eyes swelled with water and she blinked repeatedly, forcing herself to stay in control.

"Francis says he is inconsolable," Anne Lovell whispered from behind her. "He cannot bring himself to face you, though he has done nothing wrong. He worries after the hardships, you may find truth in it." Katy dropped her head, leaning against the cool glass but remaining silent. "Francis assured him you find nothing in this rumor, but he does not believe it." Richard wiped his eyes quickly and Katy noticed his cheeks shining. In his anguish, her poor Richard had begun to cry. Katy turned quickly, pushing past Anne and rushing from her chambers. She lifted her dress slightly and ran as quick as her feet would allow her.

He stood alone, facing away from her. Richard slouched, something he was not known to do. His soft whispers and cried fluttered through the garden. Leaves rustled beneath her as she stepped. Richard looked up; his eyes red from the agitation. He stood at the sight of her, speechless that she would come though he acted in this manner. Tears streamed down her face as she dashed to him, throwing her arms around him and pressing her lips to his. Their tears combined within seconds and Richard pulled her close to him.

"I- "

"He is a liar, Richard," Katy responded, between uneven breaths. She held his face, looking deep into his eyes, "You would never wish harm to me."

"I don't understand where it has originated," Richard whispered, rubbing her back. "I fought to come back to you, not so I may lose you."

"Edward cannot keep him after this. He goes too far in attacking you, my dear."

"He went too far when his fixation with you began," Richard took deep breaths, calming himself down in her presence. "Half the country believes I want you dead and wish to take a new wife."

"They know nothing of us. For all who have seen us will question the rumor. Most importantly, I know, and you know of his false claim." Richard grabbed her and forced his lips upon her again. He closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against hers, rubbing her hips and belly. "I do not know which to do. Write to Edward or ride to him tonight. I have not been invited to return, though I believe in this situation it would be best."

"Go," Katy whispered. "Plead with him, for our sake." His eyes dropped to her stomach, which grew weekly. "There is time, Richard. Just do not spend too much time with Edward, I need you here." He placed his lips on her forehead, making his way to the stable. Leaves rustled from behind her and she quickly looked over her shoulder. Anne Lovell, Francis, and Anne Neville made their way from behind the large bushes.

"He is going to plead with Edward," Katy called, watching as he disappeared.

"Not alone, he's not," Francis sprinted past her, running towards the stables to help Richard.

"What are we to do?" Anne Neville asked slightly concerned. "Without them?" Katy smiled and looked to the ground, realizing Prince Edward had hardly left her side during their marriage.

"We will do as we always do," Anne Lovell laughed, "Though you will see, it can be rather boring. It is our men that cause our adventures. Come." Anne Lovell grabbed Anne Neville's hand and rushed indoor again. Katy walked quietly to the stable, wanting to see him once more.

"If the King does not, we will," Francis assured him.

"She must never know. She begged me to abandon the idea before. I should have done it, saved us the trouble and hardships," Richard advised. He turned the corner looking at Katy, completely silent.

"Do what you must, but ensure you come back to me. I fear what may happen if you never returned to me." Richard smiled, mounting Gawain and beginning his ride to London.


November, 1471

Days turned into weeks without Richard and Francis. Boredom had taken over the lives of the three women they left behind. Katy worked silently on needlework, as any other activity became much more difficult. She put her needlework down and leaned back, closing her eyes and placing her hand lightly on her belly. Small sharp pains had happened over the last few days, but Katy thought they were minor. She felt different, though was unprepared to birth her child. It was too early, and Richard was not present.

"Are you alright?" Anne Lovell questioned, having been observing her behavior.

"It is nothing, though I may rest," Katy lied. Anne smiled softly, helping Katy to her feet. As she stood, her eyes grew wide. The suddenness of liquid streaming down her legs shocked her and she was frozen where she stood.

"No, it is too early," Katy whispered, hoisting her dress up. She lightly felt the wetness, letting her dress drop and examining the crimson liquid the covered her. "No," her lip trembled and her hand shook.

"Fetch the midwife! Something has gone wrong!" Anne Lovell screamed at Anne Neville. Anne helped Katy stay on her feet and Anne Neville sprinted, her screams filling the air.

"Anne, he will not survive if I am to birth now. He will be too small!" Tears streamed down her face, Katy entering hysterics. Anne moved with her slowly, making their way towards her chambers. "Richard is not here!"

"Sh," Anne helped her in the bed. She stroked Katy's forehead, trying to calm the bleeding woman. "Remember when you assisted in Richard's birth? Francis was not present either. But I had you, and you now have me," she assured. The door swung open and Katy looked at the midwife enter before Anne.

"What has happened here, child?" Her sweet voice carried. The small, plump woman took her time examining her, watching for anything that may show signs of concern. "Towels, please." Anne handed the woman the linen and she lightly pressed it to Katy. "You are not ready, child." Katy exhaled with relief, wiping her tears from her eyes. "Have you been limiting your excitement?"

"Yes," Katy lied. Though Richard had bedded her, and he had left her while he attempted to fix the situation with a man paid to kill her.

"How odd, we normally see this with extreme motherly stress. Where is his Grace?" She questioned sweetly, seeing right through Katy.

"His Grace had business to attend to in London," Katy responded, trying to keep herself calm.

"You must miss him," she cooed. "We should request his immediate return for the sake of mother and child. And we will begin your confinement, immediately."

"He is not ready?" Katy whispered.

"No, my dear, he is not. Though if you do not show more restraint in your activities, you may cause him harm." She turned her attention to both Annes. "Begin her confinement. Her windows should be covered to let minimal light in. When his Grace, the Duke, arrives, I should like to speak with him. Monitor her day and night, her bleeding should subside, but if it does not, we will need a physician." The ladies nodded and Katy threw her heads back and groaned, she did not want to sit in darkness and wait. "If you are not more careful, you will soon be a mother sooner than you expect," the midwife advised. "The Duke, under no circumstances, can see her alone. You both must be with her at all times."

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