Chapter Nineteen

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December, 1469

Katy and Anne huddled around the high window watching carefully as Lord Warwick and George entered into the courtyard. It had been about a year since Katy had laid eyes on George. He looked more disheveled than she remembered, though she attributed this to his betrayal of his brothers. Lord Warwick, however, looked exactly as she remembered. His dark hair had not changed, and his dark eyes shot wildly around the open space. The two men showed obvious signs of distrust, though they tried to mask it with confidence and familiarity.

"Shouldn't you both be assisting the Queen?"

"Sh, husband. We have been dismissed until the feast preparation begins," Anne whispered as the carriage slowly pulled in. "The Queen wishes to speak with the Countess, Duchess, and Lady Anne alone," Anne advised. Francis looked over their shoulders as the carriage opened. Lord Warwick assisted his wife and Anne out first. Anne had changed tremendously, now much taller and sporting curvature in her waist. Warwick briefly hugged Edward. Katy fumed at the sight of them pretending nothing had happened. As if they had not tried to depose Edward and crown George while murdering the Queen's family to further their interests. The least offensive crime committed was her own brother's capture, yet that was the one that made her most angry.

"It is a crime that you both should walk behind them," Francis added as George assisted Isabel from the carriage. "You have done your duties."

"We will follow the given order. She is a duchess now, and Anne out ranks Katy and I even as a Lady." Katy gasped at the sight of her. Her normally slim figure was now rounded and plump, though her belly only protruded slightly.

"Isabel is with child?" Katy questioned shocked. Anne's mouth sat agape.

"She has not written to me in months," Anne whispered, watching her cousin cradle her stomach. George forced a smile to Edward, though Richard was no where to be seen.

"Where is he?" Katy questioned quietly, looking over at Francis. Francis said nothing but laughed quietly. "I know you know."

"Unfortunately, I am bound by my loyalty to his Grace, the Duke of Gloucester, not to reveal that information."

"Well, he is not greeting his brother," Katy spoke confidently. Francis turned his attention back to the window. He cleared his throat and motioned to Katy to look again. In the corner, she spotted Richard. He did not dare smile and kept a hand on his hilt, watching George carefully.

"He is there," Francis assured her.

"You are keeping a secret and I shall find out what it is," Katy threatened under her breath. Katy quickly looked into George's eyes and moved away from the window. Her back cooled against the stone wall. "I do not like him being here," Katy confided in Anne.

"You have our support," Anne promised, lightly taking her hand. "I shall see you soon." She and Thomas proceeded towards their chambers. Katy sighed alone and walked in the opposite direction of them. She was planning on escaping to her chambers or the great hall, but planned to do so without meeting with Isabel. She walked quickly, but took a longer route away from the Queen's chambers. She turned a corner and recognized familiar voices, arguing. Edward led in his white robes, George slightly behind him, and Richard keeping pace. Warwick stood behind the men, voicing his concerns. Katy did not have the nerve to continue her approach. The angry tones seemed to make her invisible. She lowered herself and dropped her head, remaining as inconspicuous as she could. The voices hushed and she soon watched feet approaching. A pair of shoes stopped and a hand appeared before her eyes. Katy shook her head and lightly took the hand. Richard brought it to his lips lightly, but said nothing. He bowed and winked, taking pace with his brothers again. Katy turned to continue her walk to her chambers when her thoughts were interrupted.

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