Chapter Twenty-Eight

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October, 1470

Katy rushed into the great hall, immediately darting towards Anne and little Richard. His red hair peaked out from his swaddling and his dark eyes focused on her. His small hand grasped Katy's finger and she was overcome with love for the boy. Anne held him close, whispering softly to him.

"He is the perfect mix of you and Francis," Katy spoke quietly as he squeezed her softly. "Such a strong boy!" Katy praised, smiling at Anne.

"His father will adore him," she teased, poking his little nose. "Have you heard from them? Yorkshire is quite a distance from where George and my uncle landed. I expect it must be difficult to pass along news."

"I know nothing. Nothing has come from Richard or my brother, Thomas. I assume they must still be engaging. Though when they last returned, this amount of time seemed to have passed," Katy rose her voice an octave as Richard's eyes fell upon her. She wiggled her finger in front of the child, smiling. "I am sure all is well." The baby cooed and blinked slowly, until his eyes shut.

"I shall rest with him," Anne yawned, "He keeps me awake all hours of the night." Katy smiled and watched Anne depart. Katy could not fathom sitting still for very long, and the silence eventually got the best of her. While Anne rested, she could take this time for her favorite pastime, riding.

Katy breathed heavily, running to the pasture. Morgan danced alone in the distance, enjoying the brisk autumn air. Her legs moved quickly, running in circles and cutting back and forth. Katy whistled quietly and her ears perked up. Morgan sprinted towards the woman, spitting dirt up from behind her and stopping just before her enclosure. Katy jumped over the rough wood and made her way to the mare. She stroked her nose, feeling the soft skin and smiled. "We are due for a good ride," she whispered to the horse. Morgan rubbed against Katy's shoulder and huffed. "Come on," Katy called, walking away but listening to Morgan's gait behind her.

Katy led the roan mare into the stable, to the mounting block. Morgan steadied herself as Katy quickly climbed onto her bareback. Katy's hand ran over her rough mane, lightly digging into it and tapping on her. Morgan walked slowly around the pasture, both doing their best to ignore any new sounds.

After some time, Katy dismounted and lay in the grass. Morgan stayed close but nibbled on surrounding greenery. Katy groaned with boredom, feeling the sharp blades digging into her skin. "What are we going to do, Morgan?" Katy questioned, hoping she may have a response from her mare. Katy looked in her direction, watching her lips move over the grass. "I don't think we can continue eating," Katy teased. "You must miss Gawain, as I miss Richard. They left us alone," Katy laughed to herself. "I would be a fool to not worry," Katy confided. Morgan perked at the sound of an approaching horse. Katy sighed with disappointment, knowing Richard would not come alone. She continued laying the grass as the sound disappeared. She closed her eyes and quietly dozed off.

"Katy!" A man's voice broke out, sounding rather panicked. A darkness surrounded her, and her eyes shot open, quickly sitting up.

"Francis!" Katy rushed to her feet and threw her arms around him, smiling and looking over his shoulder. Her eyes scanned the horizon, looking for Richard. "Did he have to stay?" Katy questioned, looking over Francis' worn face. He grabbed her shoulders, taking a deep breath.

"There is little time," he spoke quickly, looking back at the castle. The smile wiped from her face and she noticed the fright building in him.

"What has happened? Where is Richard?" Katy probed, fearing she knew the answer.

"Sailing to Flanders with your brother. The King is on his way to Burgundy," he whispered. Katy's stomach dropped, and she feared she may be ill. "I have orders to safely return you to Kildare, immediately. We must ride to Gloucester now."

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