Chapter Fifty-One

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Lizzie stormed into the Great Hall having abandoned her sanctuary. The hall was eerily silent, waiting for the former princess to speak. Lizzie moved with confidence, dropping to her knees before her Aunt and Uncle. Richard's heart raced as it had been months since he had encountered her, and he stood slowly. Anne and Edward remained seated, watching intently. Catherine was the first to move from behind Richard towards her. He extended his arm out and shook his head, stopping Catherine in her tracks. Lizzie prostrated herself before him, saying a simple sentence.

"Your Grace."

"I am your Uncle, Lizzie, and you may always address me as such." Richard dropped his arm and Catherine moved quickly to her, kneeling with her cousin and giving her a kiss on the cheek. Lizzie breathed deeply; Catherine could sense her relief. Richard waved his hand and court bustled again. Whispered flowed of the return of the former princess. Catherine did not leave Lizzie's side, she only smiled softly. Lizzie approached Richard quietly, dropping herself in in presence. "Your sisters and mother should join us," he advised. He tilted his head, noticing the small gold chain around her neck.

"I will do my best, Uncle Richard."


Cecily soon joined her sister at court, attracting the eyes of many suitors much to Anne's dismay. Catherine, Cecily, and Lizzie were inseparable. Though Catherine was much younger, they always included her in their activities. She was as likened to Katy as anyone could've imagined. Catherine spent her free time riding, hunting, and causing trouble for her father. She did not sing, but never missed an opportunity to dance.

Richard sat alone, listening to the music in his court when it suddenly changed. It was foreign, yet familiar. Lizzie and Catherine danced with each other to one of her mother's favorites, The Butterfly. Lizzie had spent much time teaching young Catherine what Katy had shown her. Their feet moved quickly, but gracefully around the hall. Both smiled brightly and laughed with the steps. It seemed like eternity before Thomas bowed to his niece, taking her hand and joining in the dance he knew well. Catherine laughed with him, moving in a circle around him.

"You are so like her," he praised, spinning her round. "I so wish you may have met her Catherine. She would've loved you."

"I do as well, Uncle Thomas. I have seen her portrait and heard the stories but know little of her."

"We will bring you to Ireland so you may know her well." Richard stood suddenly and Lizzie dropped herself to him. He took her hand and joined in the dance with Thomas, genuinely smiling. For the first time in a long time, he felt at ease. He and Lizzie moved in silence, daring not to ruin their memories of the song. It was the first time Richard had listened to it since she passed, though it felt natural to him. The music stopped and he looked at Lizzie, now seeing the deep blue stone around her neck. There was no mistaking it, it was the one he had given to Katy. Richard reached out, slowly lifting the stone. He turned his head, looking way from her and walking away.

Court filled with whispers from that moment on. Though he did not listen to them, he was preoccupied with stately matters.

"He does not look at her Grace in that way," men teased wandering the corridors.

"He loves her, and she loves him." He did love her; she was his niece. But not in the way he loved Katy or Anne.


Lizzie sat alone in her chambers, waiting for letters from her mother. Elizabeth refused to leave sanctuary, but after her sons' disappearances, who could blame her. Letters were the only contact she had with her. In the last, she discussed marriage between Lizzie and Henry Tudor. Her time alone was interrupted when the doors flung open. Richard dared not enter, simply standing in the doorway. Lizzie stood and lowered herself to him.

"Where did you get that Lizzie?" Lizzie knew he asked about the stone but stayed quiet. She looked to him, swallowing and remaining silent. Richard looked distressed. "I searched for that after she died, but never found any hint to where she had put it."

"I have had it in my possession for a long time," she responded bluntly. "It is the only piece of her I have left. I loved her too."

"It never came back to Sudeley with her then?"

"She promised me she would come back. My father sent you away, and I am sure that is why she died. Had she been in London..."

"I would be lying if I had not thought that myself." Richard sat, burying his face in his hands. "I feel you are one of the few I can share this with, but I miss her so." Richard took the small portrait from his pocket, handing it to Lizzie. "I never had her portrait done while she was alive, this is the closest I've gotten." Lizzie examined the smiling painting of her beloved aunt. She ran her fingers over it, smiling softly.

"Her eyes are not right." Lizzie whispered, "they are not playful." Richard chuckled, leaning back.

"It is not her; you are correct. But it is close enough for my children to know what she looked like."


Fairly quickly, Katy was not alone anymore. Richard's boy, Edward, passed next. She was there for him just as Anne had been for her children. He was taken aback by her at first.

"Prince Edward?" Katy questioned, extending her hand to him. He moved away, shying from her presence. "I am Katy. I was married to your father before your mother," Katy whispered softly. "My children have been lucky to have you as a brother. I cannot thank you enough."

"Where am I?" The young boy questioned. At only ten, it was difficult to explain to him what had happened. Luckily, Katy had Edward at her side.

"You are in paradise, Edward," he advised, embracing his young nephew. Katy smiled sweetly at their embrace. She wished she could hold John and Catherine like this.

"What of my Mother?" Edward and Katy remained silent, knowing what came next for young Anne. She looked at his solemn face, unsure how to address the issue. "And my Father? I did not see him." Katy dropped her head, knowing Richard had been hunting with John when his boy passed. She felt Anne's anguish running through her body.

"You must come with me, Edward. There is much to discuss," Edward advised his nephew.

"Is she coming too?" He asked looked back at Katy.

"Not yet, she is not quite finished." And in an instant, they had vanished.

Anne sobbed uncontrollably on her boy's bed, alone. Her screams echoed throughout Middleham. No one dared enter the room, until the King had been informed. And that is when Katy could not take it any longer. She stood in the corner, quietly, unsure how to comfort her old friend. The one she had urged her husband to marry, the one she wanted to be happy. She approached slowly, lightly placing her hand on Anne's shoulder. Anne put hers over it, squeezing it softly.

"Richard," she whispered, not looking back at the young woman behind her.

"Anne," Katy breathed. Anne on the other hand seemed to stop breathing. Her hand moved quickly and turned to face her.

"Katy? How..."

"I have him Anne. Just as you embraced Catherine and John, I have embraced Edward. He is safe with me."

"Is it really you?" Katy smiled softly, nodding and looking over her soft features. Anne looked overwhelmed with all she had taken on. She had lost her sister, taken on care of George and Isabel's children along with Katy's. She was Queen of England, and Richard seemed more and more absent from her. She was relieved but eh news Katy had taken her son. She trusted no one more. "I am sorry you had such little time with him," she suddenly turned away from her. "He is a good King; they just do not give him the chance."

Katy's attention turned to the door, which swung open. From outside Richard heard Anne speaking softly, but there was no return. Richard's eyes were red and swollen, but he was taken aback daring to not enter the room. For a split second he swore he saw Katy again, standing over his Queen and comforting her in his absence. His adrenaline, already high, had his heart skip a beat. But in an instance, she was gone, leaving Anne alone with him and their boy.

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