Chapter Forty-Four

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            Lizzie grabbed Katy's hand, using her small one to wipe away her tears as they walked together to the carriages. She sobbed uncontrollably, sniffling and taking deep breaths. A single tear fell from Katy's eye, moving down her cheek from Lizzie's reaction to their sudden departure.

"Why-why must Papa send you away?" She questioned through her breaths. Katy swallowed dryly, kneeling to eye level with the girl. Katy lightly wiped under her eyes with her thumb, Lizzie's skin hot to the touch.

"We will return to you soon. Your Father thinks it will be best for the baby," Katy spoke softly and sweetly to her. "When I come back, you will have a new cousin to love and care for. You must show him all you know." Lizzie nodded, looking at her feet. "You must stop crying my little princess. You and I have been apart longer before than we will be now." Katy stood, briefly leaning over and picking up Lizzie, resting her on her hip as she liked to do. Lizzie played with the stone around her neck, stifling her crying. "Your Uncle gifted this to me when he took me home to Kildare." Katy removed the stone from her neck and handed it to Lizzie. "Watch over it for me, and when I come back perhaps, we can have one prepared for you." Lizzie wrapped her arms around Katy's neck, burying her face into it.

"It's time to go," Richard's hand snaked around her waist. "We should not wait any longer."

"No," Lizzie cried again. "Please Uncle Richard, don't go." Katy closed her eyes tightly, kissing Lizzie's temple and placing her on the ground.

"Lizzie! Come here at once," Edward boomed. Lizzie looked back to her father, and to Katy.

"We will miss you, my dear. But we will return soon," Richard assured her. "I promise, and when we come back Katy will be able to play again," he chuckled, lightly tickling her. Lizzie wiped her tears again and rushed back to Edward. Katy and Richard looked at Elizabeth and Edward, neither saying anything. Katy's bottom lip trembled, and she turned to enter the carriage. Richard took her hand and helped her into the carriage. She stepped up lightly, turning back towards Edward.

"Safe travels Richard," he called. Richard groaned softly, turning to face him and bowing.

"Thank you, your Grace." Katy took her seat with Anne Neville and Anne Lovell. "I cannot wait to be rid of this place," Richard whispered, closing the door. He disappeared ahead of them and the carriage rocked forward.

"You will enjoy Sudeley, Anne. I know it has been some time since you have visited," Anne Lovell assured her. Katy breathed sharply, as the baby pushed on her forcefully. "Katy?"

"He is quite active today," Katy joked, but groaned softly.

"Katy, I must ask you a question, but wish no offense," Anne Lovell whispered. Anne Neville held her breath, knowing the question her cousin needed to ask. "You are growing quickly, much quicker than I did. Is your timing perhaps off?"

"It cannot be, as Richard returned in April. Richard is the only man I have been with." Katy looked out the small window, "I have noticed as well. I seem much larger than other women at this time. I cannot say why."

"Are you scared?" Anne Neville asked with genuine concern.

"A little, though I believe all to be well." Anne took her hands and smiled softly, causing Katy to smile and look out at the passing landscape.


Travel was long, but smooth and Katy could not help but cry when she exited the carriage. It was the same stone walls that greeted her many times in the past. She was overwhelmed with happiness.

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