Chapter Seventeen

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The concept of time seemed to not exist. There was no way to tell how many days had passed since the men left. Katy, Anne, and Elizabeth worked tirelessly to put on a good front for the people of England. Katy wondered if she'd ever be able to smile again due to the soreness in her cheeks. The women remained in the dark about any of the unfolding events. Truthfully, keeping the act for the people was easy. It was the young princesses who made the task extremely difficult. Katy did look forward to her nights with young Lizzie. The first thing she did after greeting her mother was to climb onto Katy's lap. They did something new each day, whether it was dancing, singing, or practicing her languages. The princess was bound at the hip to the lady, and Elizabeth was relieved Lizzie had her playmate again. Cecily and Mary had little interest in Katy but loved the attention Anne gave them.

Katy chased after Lizzie in the courtyard, moving from side to side as the young girl giggled. The Queen trusted no one more than Katy with her daughter, for it seemed she was the only one who could keep her in check.

"If you are not careful, I will catch you!" Katy warned, while laughing. Lizzie ran circles around her, causing Katy spin while keeping a close eye on her. Katy misstepped slightly and felt the jolt of the hard ground on her back. Lizzie carefully climbed down next to her and lay in sunshine.

"When will my father return?" She questioned looking at the clouds move slowly.

"I fear I do not know, my sweet. I hope soon, for all of our sakes." Lizzie yearned for her father's quick return, for she was his little girl. Katy felt the sudden rush of sadness over the girl and sat up abruptly. "Would you like to see Morgan?" Lizzie grinned from ear to ear, nodding vigorously. Katy picked her carefully and walked to the open field. Morgan immediately rushed to her, holding her head high. Katy kissed her nose and Lizzie stroked her forehead.

"I should like one," Lizzie whispered.

"Your Uncle Richard raised her. Perhaps when the time is right, he will give you one." Lizzie's small hand moved lightly over the mare. "Morgan and Gawain were born in the same season. They have hardly been apart, until he gave her to me." Morgan's ears suddenly stood, and she looked over the hill. Katy stroked her neck, noticing the sudden change in her behavior. She stomped her foot and threw her head back, moving her mane. Katy took a step back and lightly placed Lizzie on the ground. Katy touched her neck, softly cooing the young mare. "It is alright," she whispered.

"Katy," Lizzie suddenly called, "Is that Uncle Richard?" Her small hand pointed just over the distant hill, where three men sprinted towards the castle. Katy's heart sopped, for it was obvious Gawain lead the trio.

"Come Lizzie," Katy called, putting her quickly on Morgan's bareback. "You must promise to hold onto her." Lizzie nodded as Katy mounted quickly behind her. The young princess's red hair shone in the clear day as she dug her hands into Morgan's mane. Katy felt her rough mane in her hands before she jolted towards Gawain. Morgan did not need any incentive to return to her stablemate. Lizzie laughed has the wind moved through both of their hair and over their dresses. Richard moved off his path and sprinted towards her. His armor looked worn, even though only days had passed. Katy slowly pulled back on Morgan and she trotted round the steady stallion. "My good Lord Gloucester, I am very pleased to see your safe return."

"Princess Elizabeth and Lady Kathryn, the pleasure is mine." They maintained all formalities when the princesses were present. "We should return you back to your mother," he commented riding again. "Princesses do not ride bareback," he teased.

"Ladies from Kildare do!" Lizzie asserted quickly to her uncle. Richard turned his attention to Katy, blinking slowly.

"So I have seen. You must know you are teaching her bad habits." Katy pushed Morgan back toward the castle, rolling her eyes. Anthony helped Lizzie dismount and Katy quickly looked over the three men. Anthony looked ran down and defeated. Francis spared no time in running to find his wife, while Richard sat next to her quietly.

"Where is Thomas?" Silence filled the air and Richard looked at the ground.

"He is with Edward."

"Ah good. Then they will be joining us soon? With Lord Rivers and the Queen's brother, John, I presume?" Richard looked ahead, stone faced.

"Warwick has captured him, Katy. Lord Rivers and John are dead," Richard spoke solemnly. "We were ambushed. Edward and Thomas were to ride to London for safety." Her stomach dropped and heart raced. "I stayed with Francis, Anthony, Lord Rivers, and Richard to defend our holding."

"Is he alive? What are they doing to him?" Katy questioned hysterically. She dismounted and walked away from Richard. She heard his feet hit the ground and take large steps toward her.

"He is. George is trying to make himself king. He will need your family's support and influence to do that. That means he and Warwick would not dare lay a finger on your brother. But you must leave immediately to London. I am to gather support in the North for Edward."

"Richard," she began.

"We cannot let him turn you into a pawn in this retched game!" Richard shook with anger. In all her time with him, she had not once seen him irate. "I will not allow it," his voice broke slightly.

"Richard, if they have captured my brother, I am already involved. For they hold him hostage, demanding my father and brother's support in exchange for his safety. Yet I am betrothed to you, a member of the opposition. Essentially my family is to pick between us."

"The Queen will leave today. You should accompany her back to London, barricade in the Tower, and protect yourself at all costs."

"Is that an order?" Katy balked at the idea of leaving.

"Must it be?" Richard lashed back. "I am doing what I think necessary for your safety. They may use you to hurt me, and I could never give myself forgiveness for putting you into that situation." Katy marched towards the castle. Richard lightly put his hand on her shoulder, "Katy," he whispered. Katy turned on her heels and swatted his hand away.

"Don't you touch me," she asserted, looking into his light eyes. "Do not make this any harder for me." Richard didn't dare to move but begged for Katy to continue with his eyes. "You have spent months gallivanting around the country, while I stayed and ran your household. I have been patient and dutiful to you, and you know I will never stop loving you. I will do as you think best for me, but I do not like the idea of you leaving me, again. Especially when George has my brother, for you know that George is malicious and vindictive. Just as you wish for me to be protected, I only want your safety." Katy held her breath, "I must go," she whispered walking away from Richard.

Katy walked quickly into her chambers. She quickly grabbed the few dresses she'd brought and stuffed them into her trunk. She dug her face into her hands and took deep, slow breaths. She felt defeated and with limited hope for Thomas. Katy imagined what he'd be telling her.

'You ought to listen to him. He only wishes well.' Katy recomposed herself and began packing again. Luckily for her, she had brought so little it did not take much time. She rifled through the chest on the floor, ensuring her letters had been safely stored. Buried at the bottom she came across a hard stone and slowly lifted it. Her heart dropped looking at the blue gem Richard had gifted her, for she had been extremely tough with him. She held the cold stone to her heart and ran to the door, flinging it open. Katy was taken aback by Richard, who stood ready to knock.

"I cannot leave you in this state." Katy flung her arms around him and she melted into him. "I will not send you away again, but I beg you to go this time."

"You must have him released," Katy whispered. "Should any harm come to him, Kildare will move against Warwick and George. They must fend off Edward's loyal supporters and the Lancastrian forces who wish to see him deposed."

"He will not succeed. He cannot turn against us, and with Warwick. Warwick will not be allowed to king-make." He lightly kissed her neck, "When this is finally through, we will marry," he whispered. Katy couldn't help but smile, as this was what she had been waiting for. "I will return to you in London, and I will not leave you again."

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