Chapter Thirty-Two

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March, 1471

Katy had become a woman with a routine. Every morning, she would awaken and attend mass with Jasper Tudor. Under his care, she had witnessed him challenge Lord Warwick several times, showing no fear to enemy. Roger dared not look in her direction any longer. She dared not speak it, and nor did he, but they had come to mutual respect and admiration of one another. He had given her a safe place in her most tumultuous time. After mass, they would dine. Jasper had become fond of Katy's quick wit and constantly tried to push her temper. Then Katy was free to do as she pleased but remained separated from George or Francis. More accurately, they were separated from her, as Jasper allowed Katy to begin riding and venture into the city.

The brisk air engulfed Katy, nipping through the furs she'd been given. She shivered trying to wrap herself tighter. Most of her days were spent alone, for she no longer needed guards to keep her company. She wandered through the gardens, feeling suspiciously at peace. A feeling she was sure would not last. She looked over the small pond, watching the wind dance over it and rustling through the bare trees.

"Are you the Kildare girl?" A boy called from behind her. Katy laughed to herself and turned quickly.

"I may be, depending on who is asking." The large boy bowed and looked up to Katy, which she curtseyed.

"I am Henry Tudor."

"Ah, you are Lady Margaret's son. I have not had the pleasure of meeting your mother, though your Uncle has been extremely kind to me." The boy said nothing and looked over Katy. She smiled softly, trying to easy the sudden tension she felt.

"Why are you not in the Great Hall?" He prodded.

"I do not have many friends, but I rather enjoy why time alone," she lied. "Why are you not?" Henry half smiled and looked to the ground, his hair slightly covering his eyes.

"They've asked me to keep you company."

"So, they do not trust me. It is understandable under the circumstances."

"Then you know of Richard and Edward's landing in York?" Katy's heart fluttered as she looked into his eyes. Henry realized his mistake immediately but could not find the words to rectify it. Katy's mouth was dry, and her mind flooded with thoughts of Richard.

"When was this reported?"

"I must bring you to the Great Hall," he whispered. "My Uncle is worried for your safety." Katy's smiled expanded as she walked, moving towards the Great Hall. Music filled the air along with the voices of people chattering. Young Henry hid his obvious stress well, as he had perhaps given Katy enough time to gather her own support.

"Lady Kathryn, may I have this dance?" Katy curtseyed, smiling nervously.

"Yes, your Grace," she whispered to Lord Somerset. He took her soft hand and stood across from her. A large statured man stood to her right and Katy looked up at George's cold face.

"Do you know?" He whispered as the dance began. Katy moved around Lord Somerset, still next to George. She nodded, looking and smiling at Somerset. "How do you find Lord Somerset, then?" He lightly took her hand and moved in sync around the hall, bringing her back in line to George.

"I don't understand, George. What does that have to do with your brothers' landing?" George looked down at Katy slightly, linking arms with her. "Yorkshire. It was slipped to me on accident. Surely, that is what you speak of?" George chuckled to himself.

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