Chapter Twenty-One

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March, 1470

Katy hid her body in the large sea of tall grass. She lay on her back, looking up into the blue sky. With the sun finally beginning to shine, she and Anne could not help but escape into the fields and spend their time gossiping. The fresh spring air had finally come, and Katy sensed the seasons changing. Anne moved her arms through the grass, giggling. Katy turned her face, slightly making out her eyes out through the foliage.

"Do you worry about Richard?" Her dress rustled underneath her, "I confess, I have not slept well since they left."

"I fear that we may only have qualms for them if this continues," Katy groaned looking back at the sky. "I cannot imagine a life where I must worry every time he departs, but he must support his brother. I admire how her Grace holds herself when the King leaves." A small white cloud moved across the sky, blocking the sun if only for a minute. "I should never want to be in her position."

"That is the life of women with our standing," Anne laughed. "Though, Lincolnshire rebelling in favor of Margaret of Anjou is utterly shocking to me."

"And her son! Edward of Westminster!" Anne looked at Katy, cold. "I have heard the stories. He is a monster!" Katy whispered. "I do not trust the sudden increase in open rebellion."

"Francis does not believe this will be the last one, he confided in me." Katy sat up and looked over to her. Anne closed her eyes and smiled, "Jasper Tudor will not stop in Wales until Lancaster has the throne again. He is half-brother to old King Henry."

"Jasper Tudor needs to understand the difficulty he is placing on our people. I should like to share with him what I think of this fruitless effort."

"There are not any York sons, Katy."

"Not yet, Anne. I am sure her Grace is due for a son! And your cousin, Isabel, should be a new mother within the month." Anne suddenly sat up and looked at Katy.

"How does your sister get on with her child?"

"I have read she is the most precious. She has hair red as fire and light eyes, half like her mother and half like me. Ann and Patrick are taken by her and love her dearly. I cannot wait to meet her and shower her with my love." The grass poked her arms as she laid again.

"Can you keep a secret?" Katy laughed, closing her eyes in the sun.

"Anne, you should know the answer to that question," she teased tossing her hair lightly. Anne rustled as she adjusted her dress but did not speak. "I have very few friends except for you. Your secret is safe with me," Katy whispered.

"Katy, I have not bled." Katy's eyes shot open and she emerged from the grass.

"How long? Does Francis know? Anne!" Anne laughed and Katy beamed, "You're going to be a mother! How I envy you!" Katy bombarded before she had the chance to open her mouth.

"It has been two months, and I have not told him. I did not wish to worry him, especially with all he is troubled with."

"You must share when he returns! Francis will be very pleased. He loves you so."

"It may be too early to do so, but I should like for you to be his godmother."

"I may cry!" Katy exclaimed wiping her eyes as she wept with joy. "I am humbled you trust and love me so. Of course I will!" Anne moved to her and the two friends embraced.

The city soon erupted with ringing bells and cheers. Katy could make out the bells swinging in the distance and smiled. Anne raised her eyebrows and stood abruptly. "That is an entrance fit for a king!" Anne began running towards the castle, while Katy stumbled to her feet. "Come on Katy! They may have returned!" Anne called. Katy bunched the front of her dress and ran quicker, staying a few steps behind Anne.

The pushed the doors open and rushed to the nearest window. The young women looked down together, trying to make sense of the commotion. Katy smiled, looking at the King. Edward sat gallantly on his stallion, laughing and speaking with the Queen. Katy's face flushed as she scanned looking for any sign of Richard. Her stomach dropped as she did not notice one.

"Where could they be?" Anne questioned, feeling the same disappointment.

"Perhaps they had to stay behind. Perhaps they are still in Lincolnshire on the King's business. He needed to return to his wife," Katy whispered, sighing disappointedly. "I believed they might have returned." Anne opened her mouth to speak and closed it, forcing a smile. She tried to cover her own sadness, to no avail.

"Or perhaps, they sped ahead to meet their women, only to find they were missing," a familiar voice whispered into their ears. A grin spread onto Katy's face, and her cheeks hurt from the pressure.

"Not in their chambers and not in the stables!" Francis' distinct laugh filled the air. Anne was already embracing him, near tears. A set of lips quickly touched Katy's cheeks and her cheeks burned. Katy touched Richard's hand, still looking out the window at his brother.

"Oh, how I missed you," he spoke softly. Katy turned to face him and lightly placed her hand on his face. He smiled and kissed it, laughing slightly. "You have nothing to say to me?"

"It never feels real when you return to me. But I like it very much when you do." Richard's eyes scanned around them, "You must rest!" Katy teased.

"I have much to tell you," he pulled Katy to the side. "We should discuss privately." Richard took her hand and walked calmly towards his chambers.

"Richard, what is it?" Katy spoke, matching his steps. He did not respond and walked quicker. He opened the door and ushered her inside, locking it behind them.

"George and Warwick betrayed us. It was all a trap." Richard spoke rather calmly, considering the ordeal he had experienced. "I fear for what is to come."

"What do you mean? What happened?"

"Baron Richard Welles was killed. He was coming to warn us about the upcoming betrayal. We did not know of this. We have not heard the last of Lancaster or my brother. Last I heard, he and Warwick were sailing to France with their families."

"Isabel is in no condition to travel. Surely she was able to stay." Richard shook his head. "But her child may not survive the journey," Katy reasoned, looking at the dark clouds accumulating in the sky. "How could George do this?"

"He is blinded by greed! He has his eyes on the throne and Warwick wishes to have another king, one he can control."

"Then we must show Edward we remain his loyal followers. Show him that we will do as he thinks best."

"I do not worry about that from you, but you must continue to show others. It will be difficult to gather support after Lord Welles. I fear I may ask more of you than I have in the past, for the nobles and people love you. They may support us if you ask."

"You need not ask. We will continue to stand with the House of York in this unjust war. I have only one true king, Edward." Richard grabbed her and kissed her passionately. Katy pulled away and looked at his confused face. "May I ask you a question?'

"Of course," Richard replied, concerned.

"Why have you not tried to bed me?" Richard looked at the ground and touched the back of his neck. "Is it something I have done?"

"No, of course not! You are perfect. I can only imagine what it is like to have you. But I should never want to put you in a position where you may regret our actions. You have taught me much about self-control." Katy looked up at him, wrapping her arms around his neck. She pressed her forehead against his and smiled.

"Thank you." Katy kissed him softly and quickly slipped out before anyone came looking for her.

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