Chapter Thirty-Three

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April, 1471

 "You cannot bring her to Wales with you, Lord Tudor. Perhaps you've forgotten, Gloucestershire supports Edward through her and Richard," Warwick protested, walking behind Jasper and Katy.

"I am awaiting Margaret of Anjou's call to arms but must raise my men. You have lost George, and now expect us loyal Lancastrians to follow you? I trust you no more than Edward, himself. Your daughter may have married my nephew, but you have yet to prove yourself to me."

"You do not know Lady Kathryn as I have come to. She will be loyal to York till the end. We lack the proof-"

"Lady Kathryn wishes for proof before accepting the dissolution of her betrothal, as any true woman would do. If Richard has betrayed her in this grave manner, her loyalty is sealed." Warwick looked at Katy, who did not smile. Katy felt as if her heart had been ripped from her chest as she softly spoke.

"I will marry his Grace, the Duke of Somerset. Only on the condition of Richard's willingness to abandon our contract and with the Pope's permission." She prayed that one of these would fail, either the Pope would not allow for Katy to remarry while Richard survives, or he had not abandoned her.

"You will not trust me, but you will trust her?" Warwick questioned, stopping in his tracks.

"She has given me no reason to distrust her, unlike yourself." Jasper continued to walk away.

"She should be kept in the Tower with his Grace, King Henry. The King is under Lord Somerset's care, after all. I will meet Edward on the battlefield and after we will have taken care of the traitors, she can accompany you." Jasper paused and sighed.

"I can accept those terms."

"You mustn't," Katy harshly whispered. He looked over her and shook his head. "I will be killed, or worse."

"He and his men will be gone. You will be safe in London."

"If you are going to leave me, I must have Lord Lovell in my service." Jasper pondered, looking at the ground but remaining silent. "You have said you trust me. I will remain loyal and safe, but he must stay to protect me. I do not trust many in this court."

"Lord Lovell will stay with her."

"My Lord-"

"She is not under your care any longer. I have made my decision." Katy walked slowly with him, not speaking. "I ask only one thing of you. Please do not make me into a fool." Katy laughed to herself.

"I will not, my Lord. Thank you."


Weeks had passed since Jasper Tudor and his nephew, Henry, left for Wales. Katy faked cordiality with Edmund, Duke of Somerset, but found it difficult to trust him. Francis was more obvious with his distaste for the Duke. They spent much of their time roaming the Tower and gardens, both trying to avoid interactions with Somerset.

Lips travelled down Katy's neck, lightly biting and sucking. She stirred, her eyes fluttering open. Arms slid around her waist, and Katy interlocked her hands with his.

"You must stop," she whispered, giggling slightly.

"We can keep the secret a bit longer," Richard teased, breathlessly. Katy turned to face him, looking into his light eyes. The ones she feared she'd forgotten in his absence. Katy pressed her lips to his, laughing softly. He was just as she remembered him, loving yet commanding. "You must be quiet, or my wife will hear, or worse your husband." Katy pulled away from him, covering her naked body.

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