Chapter Thirty-Four

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"They wanted you to marry Somerset? You know, he technically does not even have the title? His brother's attainder was never reversed, he simply started calling himself the Duke," Richard laughed. "I would've sailed with my men the moment that came to light." He turned around, pouring himself a glass of wine. Katy stood away from him, feeling his sudden sadness. "How could you have thought I would abandon you?"

"It started with Anne telling me in the event of capture, I was worth more unmarried. And she was right, as your wife I was in much more danger in that court. I was given to Warwick, then George fought for me, but that was short lived, and I returned to Warwick again. Somerset then stepped in, after many negotiations with Lord Mayor Townsend and my Father. They both raised armies in our name. Somerset selected Jasper Tudor to take over the care. He was extremely kind. Lord Tudor gifted me freedoms," Katy laughed slightly, "He was the one who told me I was being used to keep you from invading before they were ready for it." She sighed, "Then Somerset told me of your letters to Francis, speaking of bringing your wife home and how none were for me. He told me I would only be your mistress, never your wife. He wrote to the Pope advising him of the matter and how to proceed, as you had broken the contract. But he did not know I believed us to be married." Richard leaned on the table, putting his cup down.

"Somerset lied to you. I wrote to you, and I am sure he has my letters," he whispered. Richard turned around and looked into Katy's eyes. "I wrote of our marriage; it was no secret to me. You are my wife, my love, my life."

"Then he knew I was married," Katy whispered. "He is expecting you will die in battle."

"Or to have my head on a stake. I am afraid, Katy." Katy moved slowly towards him, wrapping her arms around his waist and leaning her head on his shoulder. His chest rose and fell while Katy listened to his heart.

"You would be a fool to not be afraid. Do not let them have you," she kissed his shoulder. "You have always returned to me, just as you promised." Richard turned, lightly cupping her face and pulling her to him.

"You must know, I do not blame you. And those who are to blame will pay," he whispered, kissing her forehead.

"What of Warwick and his men?"

"Warwick is dead. He died at Barnet. We are to attend his funeral tomorrow." Katy was torn, as she knew Richard viewed him as a father and wanted to mourn his loss. She, however, was relieved he could no longer control her, make her life hell.

"I am sorry for your loss," she took his hands, looking into his eyes. "His poor girls."

"Anne does not know, and I am sure Isabel is weeping for him. He will be remembered as the man who raised us up, not who he became in his final months." Katy nodded, stepping away from him.

"You should rest, Richard. We may speak more tomorrow."

"I cannot rest tonight. Not with you here now." Blood rushed to Katy's cheeks and she wrapped her arms around his neck, grinning. "We have been apart for months. I should like to have you," he whispered on her lips, kissing her lightly. Katy said nothing but pulled away from him, laughing. She turned and walked away, when Richard snatched her wrist, pulling her back to his arms. "Where are you going?" He lightly bit her ear and Katy closed her eyes. Katy lightly took his hand, leading him with her.

"Your bed, my good Lord Gloucester." Richard bit his lip, following close behind Katy. He rested his hands on her hips, spinning her towards him. Richard smirked, pushing Katy against the bed post.

"Our bed," he corrected. Katy pulled him to her, biting and sucking on his lips. He quickly pulled her on the bed, forcing her legs around him. Katy looked down at him, his hands traveling up her legs. "You are so beautiful," he whispered, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her close to him. "Katy," he moaned into her neck, as she moved lightly. "You are just as I remember."


Katy collapsed onto him, sweat covering their mostly clothed bodies. She rolled off him, her breasts the only thing exposed, laughing in Richard's arms.

"Perhaps I am wrong, but-"

"It was better than I remember as well," Richard teased. "I had much practice in my exile."

"You are lucky I can easily read you, or you would have an extremely angry woman on your hands." He kissed her cheek and his hand rest on her stomach, moving lightly. "Soon, I am sure of it."

"I know, but I certainly enjoy my part in it. Perhaps we should try again, double your chances!" He rolled over her, pinning her to the bed.

"Richard! Control yourself. You still must rest," Katy laughed.

"There will be much time for rest once we are older but for now, we are young," he kissed her shoulder, "lively," another on her neck, "and full of love," he finished on her lips.

"You are full of lust," Katy contradicted. Richard laughed and pushed his lips against hers, a smile smile forming on Katy. The door slammed against the wall, and Richard glanced back quickly.

"I see you have wasted no time, brother," Edward laughed, forcing himself into the room. Katy maneuvered her bodice back on, preserving herself from the King. Richard dared not move until she had covered herself. "Katy, it is wonderful to see you again. You look beautiful as always." Katy smiled softly, knowing her hair was chaotic and her skin was flushed. Richard stood next to his brother, helping Katy to her feet.

"Your Grace, it is a blessing to see you in such good health," Katy curtseyed before him. "The country was lost without your guidance. I am relieved to have your protection again." Edward beamed at Katy.

"Dear sister, you shall have us at your beckoned call. My wife has shared of your horrors during that time. You must know, those responsible will pay." She felt Richard tense, but still he stood tall and silent. "We will find this Roger and submit him to true punishment."

"Thank you, your Grace. I should like him to be brought to justice" Katy's heart pounded out from her chest at the mention of his name. She faked a smile and curtseyed as Edward turned to leave.

"I have sent your brother to fetch men from your father. Richard knows what is to be asked of you in the coming days in Gloucester." Katy looked at the ground as the door shut behind him.

"What horrors?" Richard asked looking deep into her eyes. Katy shook her head and turned from him.

"I do not wish to speak of it. You were not to know."

"Not to know? What was I not to know?" Richard raised his voice.

"Francis was going to handle it. It means nothing, there was no witness."

"Did he touch you?" Katy stayed silent, looking at the ground.

"He threatened to," she paused, "George had him rather frightened to begin with. Once he realized George weld no true power, he was worse. That was when Tudor stepped in. I worry what may have become of me if not for him." Richard looked over Katy, his face between awe and horror.

"What should I do with this information?" Richard questioned, breathing deeply. "You say there is no proof."

"I want his head, Richard. I want him to suffer as I did," Katy turned to look at him, emotionless. "I should not want this to cloud your judgment of me. But he hurt me in such a way," Katy whispered, feeling the tears in her eyes. "Roger was the one who brought Francis and I to London."

"Who's man was he?"

"I will not say, Richard. Do not ask me again."

"Katy, you must-"

"I will do nothing," she asserted, "I do not want to relive him or his master."

"Edward will have to pass judgement on him," Richard whispered embracing her, feeling her heart racing in his arms. "Even the mention of him has brought you to fear."

"Do not leave me tonight. He sometimes haunts my dreams."

"You have nothing to fear, Katy. I will not let anything happen to you. You are safe in my arms. And tomorrow, I am taking you home. But for now, we shall rest and sleep away these unspeakable memories."

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