Chapter Forty-Seven

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November, 1471

"This is worse than torture," Katy asserted in her bed. "I am miserable," she groaned. Katy placed her hands on her belly, watching Anne Neville write in the corner. "Whom do you write to, Lady Anne?" She had nothing else to do but look upon her ladies and question their activities, something both had become accustom to.

"My Mother," she whispered quietly. There was tension with her short response, as if she worried what Katy may say. Katy leaned back on the pillows, looking at the dark ceiling.

"And, how is she?" Katy inquired, tracing the intricate designs on the ceiling with her finger. Anne was quiet, looking at her parchment. "I trust she is well?"

"It is rather complicated-" Katy sat up, grinning and looking at Anne. "You are under orders to limit your excitement." Anne protested, knowing what Katy wished to do.

"You must tell me how I can help you," Katy begged, looking at the young Lady.

"You heard the midwife, no stimulation for you, Your Grace," Anne teased, continuing her letter.

"She has never followed rules well," A cocky voice called, slipping into the room. "Your midwife is quite unhappy with my performance as your husband," Richard laughed, moving towards her bed. "Hello, sweetheart," he kissed her forehead lightly, climbing onto the bed. Katy remained silent but beamed in his presence. "You may leave us, Lady Anne," Richard called, shaking the hair from his eyes.

"I have been instructed to not leave her alone," Anne returned, standing from the desk.

"Then I will simply have to order you to leave us." Anne's eyes grew wide and she slipped from the room quietly.

"Do not chastise her, please. She is trying," Katy whispered as he moved close to her.

"I would do anything you asked of me, you must know that." He paused and looked over the dim room, "How are you?"

"Better, now you are present. I feared he was coming," Katy laughed.

"The letter gave me quite a fright," he took her hands, laughing to himself. "Your midwife holds anger with me, it would seem. I had a rather long talk with her about my behavior with you so close to birth."

"I told you! You would get us into trouble." Richard lay lightly on her stomach, closing his eyes and smiling.

"I will start listening to you one day, I swear to it." He looked up at her and Katy ran her hand through his hair. "You are radiant," he kissed her belly. "My children will be lucky to have you as a mother." Katy's cheeks flushed and she closed her eyes.

"You had best enjoy your time alone with me, for I do not think Anne Lovell will allow you after our fright." Richard nodded but stayed silent, rolling from her onto his back. "You have yet to tell me what transpired," Katy whispered, changing the conversation. "Edward kept you longer than I expected." Richard moved lightly, putting his hand behind his head, but turned to Katy grinning.

"You have nothing to fear. He will never cause us trouble again." Katy sighed with relief, looking over her husband in the darkness. "He admitted his lie, though would not speak of who wanted you dead. But he is gone now. I passed his sentence with the support of Parliament and Edward." A sudden weight was lifted from her, she'd now never have to fear his actions again. "Enough about him, what can I do for you?"

"I am trapped here," she complained, looking up the ceiling again. "I do not like this."

"Then I shall have a peaceful next few weeks with you locked in here," he chuckled.

"Do not tempt me, I can make those weeks an extreme trial for you. You fear me the most, after all."

"I do not fear you," he corrected, "I fear what may happen to you." Richard closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. "You should write to your family," Richard advised. "When did you write to Ann last?" Katy looked away, for she could not remember the last she had written to her sister. "She writes to me, begging for news of you."

"It has been difficult for me to write home after Gerald left," Katy whispered. "I miss them, you see."

"Once the child is old enough, we will return. I promise." Katy's eyes closed and she gasped slightly, crunching the linens in her hand. As quickly as it came, the pain dissipated. Richard sat quickly, putting his hand on hers and watching carefully. She relaxed and looked at his white face, drained of all color.

"It was nothing. There are small pains occasionally. I am well."

"There is a physician awaiting my call," Richard responded quickly. "I can order-" Richard stood from the bed, panicked at what he had witnessed. Katy grabbed his arm lightly, pulling him back to her.

"All is well, Sweetheart. Please do not become unruly," she whispered, smiling softly. "He is excited to enter our world." Richard relaxed, as he always did with her. She had an unbelievable calming effect on him. A small knock floated through the room.

"You may enter," Richard responded quickly. The door opened slowly, but no one entered.

"It would be improper for me to enter in your current state, Katy," Francis called from behind it. "But you ought to know, my wife is quickly approaching." Richard stood next to the bed, looking at the door. Anne's distinct gait caused Richard to chuckle, as there was no doubt in his mind, she would be livid. He looked to Katy, taking her hand and smiling.

"All was worth it; I hope you know." Katy smiled back and listened to Anne push past Francis.

"What in God's name do you think you are doing?"

"I came to see my wife," Richard was blunt, standing his ground. Anne was fuming, her eyes darting back between Katy and Richard.

"She has entered her confinement, Your Grace. You must leave now."

"Anne, please," Katy called, trying to take some the anger from him. "It has been many weeks." Anne did not look at her, keeping her eyes fixated on Richard.

"You are not to be here. We must keep a close eye on her."

"I am her husband, Lady Anne. You are in my home and I shall be where I would like to." Anne hung her head, almost admitting defeat.

"You do not understand, Richard. We may have lost your child and if the bleeding did not stop, Katy too. If you do not leave, you may cause her and child harm." The color drained from him, once again. Richard stood there speechless, first looking to Anne then moving to Katy. He leaned over and kissed her softly.

"I love you,' he whispered to her, then sliding through the door.

"You should not have scared him," Katy protested. "He simply wanted to have me in his grasp again." Anne looked to Katy, closing her eyes.

"It was a fear of mine, Katy. And now it is my responsibility to keep you well and strong for the child. He must keep his distance now." Katy sighed and looked back to the dark ceiling.

"I understand, but I do not like it."

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