Chapter Forty-One

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June, 1471

Katy rushed through Westminster, running behind a large curtain. She remained perfectly still, listening to the small patter of feet around her. Katy dared not move, holding her breath.

"Uncle Richard! Where is she?" Lizzie called, rushing by Katy.

"I fear I do not know, girls," Richard teased. Richard's soft whispers filled the air followed by silence. The curtain was ripped from the wall, followed by Lizzie and Mary's small laughs. Katy turned to run from them, only to be engulfed by Richard's arms. "We've got you now!" Katy laughed, squirming in his arms. "Get her girls!" The two girls latched onto Katy's legs, pulling her down to ground. Lizzie and Mary climbed onto Katy's lap, both beaming.

"We've won!"

"What do we get?" Lizzie clapped. Katy pulled out two small cakes from her dress, handing them to the princesses. Both squealed with joy, quickly devouring them.

"And where is my sweet treat?" Richard questioned, collapsing next to her.

"You will get nothing, as you cheated." Richard smirked, lightly putting his lips on hers.

"That will have to do then." Katy rolled her eyes and the small girls stood from her, giggling and laughing. "Girls, I should like to speak with the duchess alone, then we can play more." Both nodded and ran away, back towards their mother's chambers. Richard helped Katy to her feet. "We are due to stay in London for a while. Edward has asked a lot of me, and I must ask for your cooperation." Katy beamed, taking his hand and placing it on her stomach. Richard furrowed his brows, looking at his hand.

"It would not be ideal for me to travel during this time," she advised. Richard's eyes grew large, darting from his hands to her face.

"No. No! You are with child? Why have you not told me sooner?" Richard dropped to his knees, kissing her slightly bulging belly. Katy looked down at him, her face glowing.

"I only just confirmed it myself. My last blood was before your return, but I was worried it may be false. The physician confirmed it this morning." He crashed his lips onto hers, embracing her. Richard picked her up and spun her round, laughing and grinning. "Look how excited you are! We were always meant to have children!"

"Is it a boy? It does not matter if it is not, we will have others. How long do they expect?"

"We have awhile, Richard," Katy placed her hand on his shoulder. "Though if it is a boy, I should like him to be called John. Lord Mayor deserves to have his son's memory live on."

"You shall have anything you like." Anne rushed through the corridor, briefly dropping herself, keeping her head down. "Lady Anne?" Richard called, concerned. She paid no attention to him, walking away.

"You ought to speak with her. Clearly, she is distressed," Katy whispered, watching her scurry away. Richard placed his lips on her hand, before running towards Anne, calling her name. Katy turned, immediately crashing into a person.

"Dear sister," Edward cooed. Katy curtseyed, smilingly slightly. "I have been looking for you."

"Your Grace. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I should like to show you something." Edward gave her his arm, leading her down the corridor. "You are glowing."

"Thank you, your Grace. I am quite happy being back in London," she lied. Richard should be the one to tell his brother of her pregnancy.

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