Chapter Fourteen

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Lord Kildare fell to his knees at the sight of his daughter. Joan, her mother, ran to her and embraced Katy, tears streaming down her face kissing her cheeks. Joan cupped Katy's face, seeming to check if she was real.

"Oh, how we've missed you!" She called, embracing her daughter again. Ann's arms flung around her next.

"You are unrecognizable!" She exclaimed examining her sister. "Who has found you in their favor?" She whispered looking at the jewel hanging from her neck. Katy said nothing, but looked at Richard, who helped her father to his feet and was assuring him of his brother's love. "The Duke of Gloucester? You must tell me everything!" She whispered again, looking over Richard.

"In time I will tell you everything, but I must speak with our father." Katy looked at the worn face of her father. Last she had seen it, he was being imprisoned. She walked slowly, and curtseyed before him. "I-" she choked.

"My Katy!" He embraced her, grinning larger than she had ever seen. "I worried I may not have seen you again,' he mumbled.

"I am sorry to give myself up into wardship. I did it for the pardon, for you and our family."

"Do not apologize. You have done more than I could ever ask of you. Sacrificing yourself for the sake of our family and our people," he paused and looked over the court, which had remained silent. "Play the music! Begin the dancing! My daughter is home!" Katy sighed, noticing Richard speaking with Gerald. Music and chatter filled the air, and Katy wandered to her brother and fiancé. The conversation grew silent as she approached.

"Hello brother, did you miss me?"

"Every day, sister!" Gerald picked Katy up and spun her in the hall. Richard kept his distance from her, as to not arise any suspicion of their betrothal to her family.

"Sir Gerald, it is an honor to finally meet you. I confess, I must attend to some business with your parents. Lady Kathryn, I trust I will see you again soon," Richard kissed her hand and bowed. Katy dropped only slightly, keeping with her formalities

"Of course, your Grace." Katy turned her attention back to Gerald, blushing slightly.

"Well, that explains the gifts," he commented, looking at Katy's neck, watching as Richard approached their father. Katy remained silent, but smiled softly. "What you did was extremely idiotic. You do know that, don't you?"

"I'm back now, Gerald. And I secured your title and lands," Katy boasted, chuckling to herself. "You should be thankful."

"You've turned yourself over to the men who could easily take everything we have worked for away. This is far from over while he is here."

"He has been good to me."

"He is using you! I am not sure what you have done to secure his favor, but I hope you did not compromise your virtue." Katy couldn't help but laugh at the accusations her brother made. "If he is anything like his brother, George..."

"He is nothing like George," Katy snapped back. "I so wish for you to like him, Gerald. He will exceed your expectations, if you give him the chance." Richard had already charmed her father. Earl Thomas' laughter filled the hall as Richard told him stories of Thomas at Sudeley.

"I must speak with Father," Gerald grumbled, moving away from Katy. Ann stood silently next to Katy, while Gerald attempted to intrude into the conversation. Richard welcomed him kindly, much to Gerald's dismay. Richard locked eyes with Katy and half smiled, before turning his attention back to Gerald. Joan lightly put her hands on Katy's shoulders.

"How long has he looked at you like that?" Ann couldn't help but giggle.

"Since he met me. My first day in court," Katy blushed.

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