Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Richard snaked his arm around Katy's bare waist, moving himself next to her. She stirred softly, adjusting to Richard's new position. Richard, still asleep, exhaled on her neck and held her tight. Katy listened to the door open slowly, turning to see Anne peaking her head in, smiling softly at her. Katy slowly and quietly began to remove herself from his entanglement, neither saying a word. She moved his arm softly, only for him to quickly replace it.

"No," he groaned, "it can wait." Katy giggled and turned to face him, kissing his nose lightly. He moved his arm around her back, keeping her close to his warm body.

"Anne is here," Katy whispered. Richard opened an eye and sat up, yawning and stretching.

"Anne, surely this can wait," he waved his arm at her, laying down next to Katy. Katy lightly placed her head on his chest, listening to his heart beat steadily. "Let us sleep more, for we are tired." A familiar laugh boomed as Edward pushed his way past Anne. Richard did not move, but Katy quickly sat up exposing her breasts from the blankets. Richard grabbed her arm and pulled her back to him, sitting up to his brother.

"Richard, would you not let your beautiful wife address me as her King?"

"She is not yours to play with," he asserted, as Katy covered herself. "You promised me that."

"I said nothing about looking and she is quite a sight, as we all know." Katy's cheeks flushed with the sudden attention. "Katy, please."

"What can I do for you, brother?" Richard removed himself from their bed, standing and quickly dressing. "You have my total support, as you know."

"We're going to ride today. Prepare your men, Richard. And your wife," Edward looked over him to Katy. Richard moved slowly in front of him, faking a smile and laughter.

"My wife is always prepared to ride," he continued laughing, moving Edward from the room and closing the door. Richard sighed and looked back at Katy, shaking his head. "I am sorry for him."

"He is King, there is not much to be done." Katy shrugged, walking to him. She wrapped her arms around him, cocking her head to the side and smiling. "We must prepare," she whispered, releasing him and walking towards her chest.

"Shall I call Anne back?"

"No, thank you. I am perfectly capable of dressing myself." Richard laughed, sitting on the bed while watching her intently.

"You best not let Isabel know, she may accuse you of being a witch," he teased. Katy quickly laced her skirt and bodice and turned to face him.

"I have put you under my spell," she teased back, straddling his lap. Richard's hands traveled up her thighs rested on her hips. He raised his eyebrows, smirking and looking up her. "We should not, you need your strength." Katy moved off him, moving towards the door.

"When we win, I shall come see you first." She smiled and left the room quietly.


Katy sat atop Morgan, looking over the Irish men brave enough to support her. To her right, Richard addressed his men of Gloucester. He spoke with such pride and undying support for them. Gerald and Patrick sat behind her, shining in their armor. Her nerves were evident, as she could see Lancaster's camp set up in the distance. The men spoke to each other, filling the air with noise.

"You ought to speak with them," Gerald advised, moving next to his sister. "Tell them what we fight for."

"I do not know what to say."

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