Chapter Fifteen

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"You will be a duchess!" Ann exclaimed, rushing into Katy's chambers. Katy sat in nightgown, having just awoken, shaking her head at her sister. "Your husband is brother to the King! And his favorite!" Katy stayed silent, letting her sister's voice carry. "Thomas had shared that the Duke of Clarence was vying for your hand. I must admit, I did not think anything of it." She paused and sat across from her, "Until his Grace, King Edward, has any sons, Richard is second in line for the throne."

"Let us hope it never comes to that. I should not like to be queen. It is also treasonous to harbor those thoughts," Katy scolded quickly.

"Well, you must dress yourself. Papa has planned a hunt in your honor. Gerald, Patrick, and Richard are sporting already."

"What exactly are they doing?"

"I believe teaching him hurling."

"Gerald is going to teach Richard hurling?" Katy rushed through her chest, quickly grabbing her riding clothes. She quickly put on the heavy green fabric, moving as quickly as she could. "They have promised to be gentle."

"Hurling was banned due to violence, it rarely is played gently," Katy called at the door. "Are you coming?" Ann skipped ahead of her, smiling.

"He will be great. Holds himself well and has quite a build." Katy rolled her eyes and sighed.

"What do you think of him? Honestly," Katy asked, stopping in her tracks. Ann grabbed Katy's hand and pulled her along.

"He is perfect. Enamored with you and clearly willing to do all you ask of him. Gerald even told me he was ashamed by his behavior to the duke. He worried about you, and thought Richard was tricking you. It is extremely obvious, to all, that is not the case."

"I believe he will make a wonderful husband and father." Ann pushed through the large doors, exposing the young men. Gerald instructed Richard on how to hold his hurl and hit the small ball. Richard quickly noticed Katy and jogged to her. Katy and Ann both curtsied, giggling softly.

"Good morning, your Grace," they said in unison.

"Lady Ann," he bowed, "I should like to speak to your sister for a moment." His arm snaked around Katy's waist and he led her to the side. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched Ann approach Gerald and Patrick. "You mustn't let me play," he whispered. "I am good at many things, but this will not be one." Katy covered her mouth and smiled, looking at up him.

"You certainly look like an Irishman."

"Do you find that appealing?" Richard questioned, raising an eyebrow. "I can look the part, but I do not wish to play it."

"Truthfully, I am relieved. Hurling was banned due to violence. I worry he may be testing you as your brother tests us."

"There may come a day when your brother may see exactly what I am capable of," he flashed a quick smile. "I doubt even Edward knows my skills."

"Do not speak of such things," Katy scolded. "I should hope you never leave for war," she cautioned.

 "With you waiting for me, I have every reason to return." He grabbed her hand and squeezed it softly.

"Why must you think like this?" Richard looked to his side, breaking eye contact. "The old King is locked in his rooms in London."

"I've heard reports that Margaret of Anjou is looking for support to put him back on the throne. That is why your father's support is of utmost importance to Edward. It has been proposed George marry Margaret of Burgundy, as well." A stable boy brought their horses, saddled for the hunt. He bowed to Richard and Katy. He attempted to assist Katy, when Richard interrupted. "Thank you, but I always help Lady Kathryn." He quickly came to her aid and mounted his own.

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