Chapter Twenty-Six

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Richard led Katy into the cathedral, throwing the large, brown doors wide open. Katy looked over the stone structure, the darkness only cut by the candles emitting warm light. Richard squeezed her hand, looking back at her. His eyes shone with excitement and he was full of love. Katy was speechless and looked at their hands. Anne and Francis stood with the bishop next to the alter, both beaming with joy. Anne's smile grew as they approached, and Francis bowed to Richard. Katy and Richard dared not speak, fearing to ruin their memory of this moment.

"Your Grace, forgive me, but did you bring a ring?" Katy stayed silent but removed the ring he had gifted to her and extended her hand to him.

"Your Eminence, His Grace had given this to me. Tis only fitting it be used now." Richard looked down at Katy, his mouth curling into a small smile. Katy took deep breaths, feeling his eyes on her but fighting the urge to look. The bishop took the ring and nodded to Katy.

"Then we shall begin," he whispered to her. Richard took her hand and they listened intently to his words. "We gather here today, before God and these witnesses," he motioned to Francis and Anne, "to join in holy matrimony Richard Plantagenet, Duke of Gloucester, and Lady Kathryn Fitzgerald." Katy's face flushed as she looked up at him quickly. His face remained neutral, and she was surprised at how he was able to hold himself. "Should anyone have any impediment as why these two cannot be joined as husband and wife, please speak now or forever hold your peace." Anne eyes filled with tears and Francis embraced her lightly. Katy sighed with relief, though she had no reason to think anyone should object to their union, except for Lord Warwick. Richard took her hands and looked into Katy's eyes. In that moment, it felt as if they were alone in the church.

"I, Richard Plantagenet, Duke of Gloucester, do take the Lady Kathryn Fitzgerald to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance." Richard's eyes never left hers, and her smile grew with every word.

"Lady Kathryn?" Katy looked at the bishop, wide eyed, unsure exactly what he had asked of her. "It is your turn," he advised quietly. Richard stifled a laugh and Katy looked at the ground, hiding her blush.

"I, Lady Kathryn Fitzgerald of Kildare, do take, his Grace, Richard Plantagenet, Duke of Gloucester, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God's holy ordinance." Richard replaced the ring on her finger and kissed her hand.

Next Katy knew, the bishop had dismissed them as husband and wife. Her nerves had gotten the best of her and she had not listened to anything he spoke to them. Richard quickly paid him and grabbed Katy's hand.

"Wife," he breathed as they walked together. Katy smiled at him slyly, remaining quiet. "You are a duchess now."

"A royal duchess," Katy corrected, playing with his fingers. Katy suddenly became uncomfortable, for she knew what happened next, but also felt blind to it. Her hands clammed up and her breathing increased.

"Are you alright?" Richard asked quietly, noticing her change.

"Should you not mind, I would like to ride with Anne back to Sudeley."

"You do not- "his eyes widened, suddenly realizing why she would ask, "Why yes, of course. I should ride with Francis."


"What is it like?" Katy asked abruptly, breaking the silent ride. Anne sped next to her and looked rather shocked. "I know what is to come, I am not a child. And I know how it will happen, but I do not know much besides that."

"You are still a virgin? But Francis told me he saw you..." She trailed off, realizing she had said too much. Katy chuckled and looked up at the night sky. "I am sorry," Anne whispered.

"Do not be! Francis did see us redressing, but I explained to him that Richard and I had simply swam. I know what it looked like, but I am still a maid. He has not touched me, though he has joked to me about many times. I even asked him about it once. I was concerned he did not like me." She sighed, "Perhaps he also is nervous?"

"I am sure he is terrified; he will not want to disappoint you."

"Surely I cannot be disappointed when I do not know what it is like." Anne reached out and took Katy's hand, smiling softly through the darkness.

"I have seen you both, it will be natural. Do as you feel is right." Anne released her and took a white sheet from her sleeve. "You should lay on this, as it happens. Should anyone doubt your marriage." Katy took the sheet and held it in her hand.

"Thank you, Anne." Anne lowered her head and smirked.

"Your Grace," she called, giggling slightly. "Lady Kathryn, Duchess of Gloucester." Katy closed her eyes and shook her head.

"You'd best continue to call me Katy," she responded, throwing a look to Anne. Francis' laugh broke the air in the distance as they approached Sudeley. Richard's hair bounced as he dismounted Gawain. He walked confidently to Katy and extended his hand, helping Katy to the ground. He wrapped his arm around Katy's waist and guided her inside, kissing her temple.

"I fear I may be dreaming," he confessed, keeping his gaze forward. "That I will wake tomorrow, and you will not be my wife." Katy wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him to her. Katy smiled and pushed her lips onto his, moving slowly. Richard's hands pulled her closer to him and one moved up her back. She pulled away and took his hand, slightly pulling him towards his chambers.

"I can promise you; this is very real. And tomorrow you will awaken with me beside you." Richard quickened his gait, chuckling through the corridor. He opened the door and allowed Katy entry first. He followed close behind her and the door softly shut. Katy smiled, feeling Richard's chest behind her. HIs arms wrapped around her stomach and his lips lightly touched her neck. Katy's skin erupted with goosebumps as he kissed and bit her. A small moan escaped her lips and Richard turned her head towards him. He was tender, yet commanding, guiding Katy to what he wanted, but not forcing her to do anything. He played with the ties on her dress, lips never leaving hers. Katy felt him struggling and laughed, feeling at ease with him.

"Turn around," he whispered breathlessly, biting her ear. Katy looked him in the eye and slowly loosened the ribbon. Richard took a step towards her, as the skirt and bodice loosened.

"You stay there," Katy insisted. Richard took deep breaths as Katy released the fabric from her body.

"Katy," Richard seemed to growl, now realizing all that stood between them was her light chemise. She had never seen Richard in such a state, but she found it seductive. She bit her lip and slowly walked to him, placing her hand on his chest immediately. Katy fiddled with his buttons, slowly releasing them. Richard watched her hands, his eyes moving to her chest, as he lightly pulled the lone ribbon keeping her chemise in place. He dropped his doublet and quickly removed his shirt, tossing it to the side. Their lips met again, and Richard guided her towards the bed, Katy giggling softly. Katy lay down and Richard positioned himself above her, kissing her nose.

"No, stop!" Katy called suddenly. Richard immediately stood above her, eyes darting over her.

"Is something wrong?" He asked as Katy stood and ran to her dress, quickly picking up the soft sheet.

"Anne says it must happen on this," Katy whispered meekly. "Should anyone question the legitimacy of our marriage." Richard nodded as Katy placed the sheet down on his bed.

"You must tell me if I hurt you," he whispered, releasing the chemise to the floor. He looked over her naked body and smiled, as Katy laid down again. "Have I told you how beautiful you are?"

"Not tonight," she blushed as he repositioned himself. 

"Surely that is a sin," he teased, swallowing dryly and looking at Katy. "I am ready," she whispered, kissing him lightly. Katy clawed into the bed and his back with the sudden pressure and slight pain. Richard groaned and Katy gasped, holding onto him for the night.

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