Chapter Five

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Katy's eyes shot open as light flooded into her chambers. A young woman in dark blue opened the window coverings. She was no more than Katy's age and didn't smile.

"Lady FitzGerald, his Grace, the Duke of Gloucester requests your presence for breakfast." She spoke plainly and with little excitement. Katy stared blankly into the light room.

"You must be Lady Beauchamp. Please call me Katy," She smiled softly. Jane stared blankly back.

"You may call me Lady Beauchamp." Katy lifted herself slowly, removing her light sleeping dress. She quickly put on her stockings, tying them around her thigh. Jane laid out her light undergarments. She slid them over her head and looked quickly through her dresses, settling on the light green.

"You may enter," Katy called fastening the bodice quickly.

"Ah good, you received word Clarence requests you," Thomas spoke quickly.

"No, Richard has requested my presence." Katy spoke quickly, beginning to brush her hair. "As I am his ward, I feel he is my priority. No?" Thomas stood in silence. "You may tell the Duke I am currently indisposed but appreciate his offer."

"He will not take no for answer."

"Explain to him, it is not a no. Simply a postponement." Katy walked out of the heavy doors, Thomas holding it for her. Jane was no more than two steps behind her.

"You ought to be careful, sister. You are now involved, whether directly or indirectly, with some of the most powerful men in the world."

"I'm always careful, Thomas."

"Lady FitzGerald!" A young page exclaimed, "We've been expecting you! Please come." Thomas and Jane were stopped at the door by guards.

"The Duke requests only the Lady allowed in. They have private household matters to attend to." Jane began to protest violently. The door closed before Katy knew what she was saying. The page lead Katy through Richard's chambers, the walls adorned with boars and white flowers.

"Your Grace, Lady FitzGerald is here." Katy appeared behind him, dropping herself.

"Good morning, your Grace."

"Katy-" he breathed, "Please take a seat." Richard motioned to the seat on his right. Richard couldn't help but smile as she seemed to float. "How was your sleep?" He questioned.

"Very well," she smiled softly. Katy's eyes scanned the tabled, adorn with exotic fruits and game. Richard motioned and wine was poured into their glasses. "Richard, this is too extravagant. You are too kind."

"No, there is no such thing. You deserve this. God and the King have you in their favor." Katy's cheeks burned immediately and she looked away from his light eyes. "I must confess, I am to leave tomorrow, for Gloucester. I did not expect for this situation, and I have not made any travel arrangements. I would not force you to come, but would be honored if you would join me on the journey."

"I am head of your house, am I not?"

"You are more than welcome to stay here, in Westminster. My brothers would watch over you. Thomas would be here to assist you. You may use my chambers, should you wish."

"I would be honored to join you. However, Lady Jane Beauchamp has been assigned my chaperone. She made quite a fuss when you didn't let her in."

"We will never actually be alone," he motioned to the people filling the room. "I want to keep you and your reputation clean. I will have your things packed and prepared for our journey, along with Lady Beauchamp's."

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