Chapter Sixteen

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July, 1469

"Can we go faster?" Katy questioned, pushing Morgan to move quicker. Francis sped up to her, leaving Anne slightly behind him.

"If we go any faster, we will risk wearing the horses out. I know you are excited, but we must keep a safe pace, or we may add another day onto the journey. York is only a few hours from here."

"I have not seen him since we returned from Kildare," Katy sighed. "We returned mid-March and it is now July. I have since served as Lady to the Queen, and we have made arrangements for the wedding. I feel like a child with this excitement and impatience."

"I am sure Richard feels the same. He must have missed you as much as you did for him," Anne reassured, riding up with her.

"Her Grace, the Queen, should be arriving just before us," Katy added. Edward had asked for his family to be brought to York. He and Richard had just finished the tour, and it was only fitting to end at their ancestral seat. Katy had never visited York and was excited to see the lands. She looked through the thick forest, listening to the silence. Only the sound of beating hooves broke the silence. Except, it was not from any of their horses. In the distance, three men rode towards them. One riding ahead and the two behind holding Edward's banners. Francis moved ahead of the women and rode softly.

"Katy!" A familiar voice rang out.

"Is that Thomas?" Katy questioned riding behind Francis, squinting to make out a face. Thomas had joined Edward on the tour as well. He had become close with Richard and Edward, continuing his rise to power. The man sprinted ahead, and soon Katy was able to confirm that it was her brother. He looked different, now sporting a full beard. "Thomas!" Katy exclaimed, "What are you- "

"There is little time, sister." Thomas skipped all formalities, "We must travel quickly," he addressed Francis.

"What has happened?"

"There is a rebellion. The men have been paid and have new arms. We are in Warwick's country and I have been instructed to bring you in safely.

"Surely a small rebellion cannot be cause for such alarm?" Anne questioned. "The King has always stamped them out."

"There is more to discuss, but it is unsafe here. I ask that no further stops are made. We will proceed directly to York, where the King and Duke of Gloucester are expecting you." Katy swallowed dryly and nodded, pushing into Morgan. She asked for a gallop, which Morgan was more than happy to oblige. There was no time for Katy to speak with her brother. Thomas kept scanning the forest, waiting for something that luckily never came.


Thomas led them directly to a large castle, adorn with Plantagenet banners. Katy looked at the large stone walls and beautiful gardens, yet the sense of urgency did not stop. The large doors swung open and Richard sprinted toward her. Katy quickly stopped Morgan and swung her leg over. Richard's hands rested on her waist as he lowered her to the ground. She cupped his wind torn face and pulled his lips to her. Richard was shocked by the sudden show of affection but succumbed to her quickly. Katy pulled away and looked into his eyes, smiling and forgetting anyone else was around them.

"Your hair looks different," Richard choked out. Katy took a step back and looked at him confused.

"I have not seen you in months, and that is all you chose to say?" Richard smirked and grabbed her waist, kissing her again and holding her close to him. Her eyes closed and she breathed slowly.

"Oh, how I have missed you," he breathed into her hair. Her eyes opened to Edward standing behind his brother.

"Your Grace," Katy whispered, lowering herself in his presence. She could feel his frustration and dared not to make eye contact.

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