Chapter Three

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 Katy's nerves had the best of her in the hours leading up to supper. She paced back and forth in her rooms, only stopping to look out the window and watch the sun. Court was not a quiet place and she heard only the whispers from behind her closed doors. Secrets and gossip flowed like the River Liffey. From what she had gathered, no one knew she was to dine with the King and Queen. And she was extremely grateful for that fact. She couldn't bear the thought of more gossip being spread about her. Her hands shook as she brushed her hair and quickly braided it. She parted it down the middle, braided the top half of the two sides so they met in the middle, and finally down the back. Stepping into the deep red dress, she sighed her stomach churning. The heavy fabric wrapped around her and she laid on the soft bed. A soft knock interrupted her thoughts.

"Enter!" she called not leaving the bed. The door swung open and Thomas' laughter filled the air. Katy sat up and looked at her brother. He looked extremely handsome in the forest green robes. "I don't know if I can do this Thomas." Thomas poured himself a glass of wine and sat down.

"Why are you so nervous?" In that moment she felt that she couldn't breathe. "You are extraordinary, but I've never seen you like this. Normally you hold yourself with such dignity. Why different here?"

"I don't know," she lied. Thomas picked up on it right away.

"Is it that you've been invited to dine with the King?" She shook her head. "Then I can only assume it is the royal dukes who make you feel this way." Katy did not respond, as he was right. She had only known them a day, and one wanted to marry her. To anyone, this was be an extremely proud moment, but it made Katy uncomfortable. "Have some wine to calm the nerves." She sipped on the cup lightly and looked at herself in the mirror. Katy smiled for the first time that day looking at herself. "You look beautiful, Katy. Anyone who is not impressed with you is a fool." A loud knock interrupted their conversation, followed by a young page entering the room.

"I am not here to be married, Thomas."

"Sir Thomas and Lady Kathryn, the Duke of Clarence is here." George pushed his way past the young boy and Katy lowered herself in front of him.

"Your grace."

"Lord Clarence, tis a pleasure to see you again." Thomas spoke clearly.

"And you and always your sister, Sir Thomas." Katy did not raise herself to George. It was easy to feel his eyes on her. He circled her once, like a predator stalking his prey, and extended his arm to her. "I'm here to escort you both to supper." Katy put her hand on his forearm and raised herself to him, smiling softly.

"Thank you, your Grace."

"Tis always wonderful when a guest joins us for a meal. Especially when such a distance has been traveled. I know this personally for I was born in Dublin, not too far from you," he boasted. "And I am Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. Your father is one of my deputies."

"Ah and how do you find Ireland, your Grace." Katy tried to make conversation not about her father.

"Much more enjoyable now that I've met you," he flirted.

"Is that so?" Katy laughed slightly.

"I believe you know my godfather, Thomas Fitzgerald, Earl of Desmond." Katy stopped in her tracks and looked up the young duke.

"My lord, have you not heard?" She questioned softly, her heart racing.

"Of his death? Yes, I have. He was foolish to muddle in such affairs. Lord Worcester had every right to charge him with such a great offense." Her heart sank.

"Then you know about my father?"

"It had been brought to my attention," George responded nonchalantly.

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