Chapter Twenty-Four

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Katy slipped away from the crowds and made her way to the gardens under the cover of darkness. The warm air engulfed her as she entered the lush gardens, though she couldn't distinguish anything in the darkness. Katy smiled as the bustling sounds of the feast slowly disappeared and she listened only to the sound of moving water and wind. Her heart raced with every step, as Katy was not one who fared well with secrets. She couldn't help but smile as a figure soon appeared in the darkness.

"You haven't made yourself very difficult to find!" Richard stood opposite her, grinning in the darkness. Katy flung her arms around him and lightly pecked his lips. "I could've been one of Edward's spies," she teased, grinning back at him. Richard kissed her forehead, laughing to himself.

"You would perhaps be the most dangerous spy." Katy took his arm and the two walked slowly through the night. "I have missed this." Katy released herself from him, turning to face him smirking.

"Which part? Sudeley or your time alone with me?" She teased, sprinting away from him. Richard quickly ran after her, laughing.

"I must admit I have missed both!" He called, slipping slightly on the ground. Katy looked over her shoulder, noticing Richard catching up to her. Katy lifted her dress and giggled, running faster around the plants. "I hope you know; you are acting like a child!"

"Children have the most fun games!" Katy called, pausing slightly. His slender, yet strong, arms wrapped around her from behind and her feet left the ground. Richard lightly put her down, facing him.

"Do you have anything to say for yourself?" He toyed, moving Katy towards a bush until the branches poked her back. She put her hand on her forehead and flung her head back.

"You've captured me!" Katy called seductively. She soon noticed there was no space between them as he moved closer, though she had nowhere else to go. Richard half smiled, looking from Katy's eyes to her neck. His lips lightly touched her warm skin and Katy closed her eyes, breathing slightly heavier. His hands prodded her waist, causing her to squirm and giggle. "Must you always ruin these moments? I rather liked that."

"And I know that. I am simply ensuring your maidenhood is intact," Katy wrapped her arm around his and they began to walk. "Intact for myself," he added in, teasing Katy. She rolled her eyes and leaned into him.

"Why did you actually want to see me? You have something for me?" Katy asked through the silence, looking up at him.

"I always want to see you," he responded quickly, shifting slightly. "Being away from you has been difficult over the last few months, and I cherish the time when we are together. You see, I was spoiled with you by my side and rather foolish to think we could go on without any cares."

"We are simply maturing. In a way, we were still children when we met. I would have not made it through this without you," she confided. Richard beamed and put his hand into his pocket.

"It has been a long time since I have given you anything, and you never ask."

"You must know, I do not need anything! I am quite content with everything I have." Richard reached into his pocket and took out a small wrapped object. He opened the wrapping slowly, revealing the gold band with an emerald attached. "Richard!" She gasped.

"Do you like it?" He questioned, holding it up to her. "The Queen had gifted it to me, in the hopes you may like it."

"It is beautiful." Katy smiled and gave Richard her hand. He slid the ring on to her finger and looked at her. "I do not know what to say," she whispered looking at her hand. "Except that I love you."

"You should say nothing else. For that is everything I wish to hear from you."

"You are too good to me," she whispered, lightly kissing him. Richard pulled away and smiled.

"Should we walk more?" Katy nodded, still looking at her hand. "I cannot wait for you to be my wife."

"I am your wife in every way, but one."

"Yes, but that one is rather exciting. Is it not?" He teased, squeezing her hand. Katy lightly stepped onto the wall surrounding the large fountain. She looked up at the castle, hearing the bustle of people.

"Do you think anyone realizes we are gone?" She asked curiously. Richard looked up from the ground and chuckled.

"No, I don't think anyone will have noticed our absence. It is quite a blessing. I feel as though I have been driven mad by people recently."

"I too am rather happy to be away from Court. It has been stressful since..." she trailed off.

"George and Warwick?" Richard finished. Katy nodded and looked down at him. "This will be over in due time."

"I pray so," Katy responded, walking atop the wall, stumbling slightly. Her eyes became wide and she sighed with relief, regaining her balance.

"You best be careful, for I will not come in after you should you fall in," he laughed.

"Yes, you would!" Katy asserted.

"What makes you think that?" Richard mocked, looking up at Katy.

"Close your eyes," she insisted.

"Katy," Richard protested. She softened her eyes and smiled sweetly. Richard huffed and shut his eyes tight. "You must know I do not like this." Katy laughed and loosened the ties on her dress.

"You mustn't peak," Katy called, and Richard groaned. The red fabric dropped from her body and she was left only in her light chemise. She quickly removed her shoes and stepped back into the cold water, careful to not make a sound. With a few more steps, she immersed herself in the dark water. Her body chilled and she gasped for air once she reached the surface. Richard's eyes shot open and he looked at Katy, full of panic. Katy smiled, treading water.

"You are quite the troublemaker!" He called, making quick work to unbutton his doublet, dropping it to the ground. He quickly removed his shirt and swam to Katy.

"Did I not tell you; you would come after me? Was it the dress?" She teased. She lightly splashed him.

"Once again, you were correct." Katy swam to the side and climbed out of the water, her chemise clinging to her naked body. Richard stood in the water and smiled, as she rang out the bottom of it. He climbed out and sat next to her, letting the water run from his body. Richard forced himself to look forward, trying not eye Katy from next to him. Katy lightly put her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. He smelt of fresh water and she sighed.

"Don't you wish we could do this forever? If we didn't have to constantly be looking over our shoulders?" Richard lightly took her hand and kissed it.

"I do, but that is not our reality." He kissed her forehead and stood up, looking down at Katy. "We should return." Katy half smiled and quickly laced herself into her dress.

"There you are!" Francis suddenly called out. He paused and looked at Katy and Richard.

"It is not what you think," Katy assured, putting on her shoes. "We simply went for a swim." Francis smiled slyly and look to Richard.

"A swim, Francis." He repeated, stepping towards him.

"You do not need to convince me. For I have no reason to doubt you." He eyed both of them, still smiling, and Katy pushed past him.

"We are coming back now," Katy flashed a grin at Francis. "To rejoin the feast."

"Ah yes, the feast. Though perhaps you should retire. You must be tired after the swim," Francis laughed. Katy shook her head, smiling and rolling her eyes. Richard lightly hit Francis' shoulder, beginning to walk with Katy again, back to their festivity.

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