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It didn't take her long to find him, she needed not to think twice. After a long walk, Rei reached the destination and was lucky enough to find who she was looking for already there.

"Ne, Dazai-kun..."

"Yes, Rei?"

"You don't happen to have any spare bandages, do you?..." She mixed in those words some laughs to hide away how severe the situation was for her.

Dazai saw the wound earlier, he knew she would come sooner or later. If she wasn't an ability user then her hand would have necrotized. Her body was treating the wound for her, but he doubted she knew how to alter the energy to treat the injuries herself. That was why the bleeding didn't stop. At this rate, she would die of blood loss soon.

Though she seemed to be fine, better than what she should've been.

"Come with me."

Funny how her hand is so tensed still when there is so little muscle left.

Dazai had never seen any kind of injury like hers, mostly because no one ever had an outburst of energy from their hand. He was no doctor, but Mori Ougai had been his mentor long enough. Plus, his continuous failed suicides taught him more about medical than most things.

He could only do so much of sterilizing and clamping her fingers in place. That wouldn't help the healing process much. Yet, he didn't have to bother about it, he knew she would recover before the next training either way.

"Woaaaa, Dazai-kun is really good at this!" Rei took a look at her treated hand.

"Basic knowledge, Rei." And the boy named Dazai replied her with an eyes smile.

He was a dramatic, sarcastic boy wasn't he.

"But thank you, anyway. I didn't know who else to come to."


Dazai placed the bandages and tools back into the medic bag in the sole silence he found as the replacement for a response. But he couldn't maintain it long.

"Ne Dazai-kun, are you hungry? Have dinner with me." Rei poked her head to his way, eyes locked on his.

"I'll buy you dinner as a thank you for helping me with this."

Dazai turned his gaze to the girl, looking at her injured hand then her eyes. He wondered almost every time he was with her, that how could she still maintain that pure look in her eyes, completely rid of ill intentions? Had Mori gone soft over the time? How could a student of his be this nice of a person?

"Not tonight, I have to see Akutagawa."

The boy placed the medical bag on the shelf. Dazai glanced at his watch before smiling at her. "But a cup of coffee is lovely either way." Another eye smile he gave her.

Her face lit up almost instantly as she rushed to his side. Legs crossed, she bowed slightly with a hand on her chest while the other behind.

"Ready to take orders!"

"Black with cream and sugar, thank you very much."


Knock. Knock.

"Ah, who even knocks in this place..." Rei shook her head, turning the door knob.

"Dazai-kun, I have your coffee." She stepped inside, just at the right time to catch the sight of a boy on the ground, coughing up blood.

"I wonder if it was because you have no creativity, or that you have no talent."

Dazai stood tall as he looked down on the boy. His eyes shone red under the lights, as if it was the true color of those orbs. The other one was staggering on his feet with blood pouring out of his mouth still.

A Touch of Sorrow [Dazai x OC x Chuuya]Where stories live. Discover now