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He sure wasn't joking when he said he wouldn't go easy.

Her breathing was hectic, she doubted she even had time to breathe with the hits coming non stop. Her body had to work every split second, dividing the energy to different parts of the body, consuming the energy from the hits, alternating the consumed energy into different forces to launch at the other one. The worse was that she released the energy through the hits but if the hit was eluded then the force would be of waste. She would then have to draw energy from her own body to power another one.

Unfortunately she couldn't manage to hit him just one time. And he had hit her plenty.

Rei was literally crawling on the ground, her body was giving up on her. Dazai's form and ways of attacking was completely different from Chuuya's. While the redhead was more aggressive, his hits were spontaneous and mostly were kicks. With Dazai, he made used of his entire body, every part had a role to play. Just the time and energy spent to block his hits was enough to drain her power.

"You haven't learnt anything from Mori-san huh Rei?" Dazai wiped the sweats as he said.

He wasn't invincible, he was a human, he could be tired just like her. She could win this if she maintain her power well and wear him out. 

But that idea busted as she collided with the ground again. She felt like the first day all over again when she was beat to the ground and sometimes even to unconsciousness.

"Vary your attack. Your moves are predictable, you barely use your ability."

Easy for you to say you weren't running my body.

Rei glanced at the boy and pushed herself up again. She couldn't just be put down like this. She had to at least hit him once, or she would go mad. 


She threw a punch, but as she expected he blocked her hit just like he did numerous times before. 

"Don't scream. Screaming will take more of your energy."

He sent a punch right back at her.

"But it's refreshing."

And she managed to catch his fist in her own. The rush of energy ignited her system and swiftly Rei returned the energy to the previous owner. She pulled the force to her leg and kicked him by the ribs. He would be able to block it, but the force was still enough to knock him off the ground.

It did.

For almost an hour, she had hit the ground countless times in exchange for just one time of Dazai losing his balance. He toppled over the floor but quickly straightened himself up. Rei saw her chance and speared forwards, delivering a powered punch. 

And that was the only thing she remembered before losing consciousness.

"There's no place in the mafia for the weak."

Dazai deflected her punch and quickly used the open space to send her a blow to the head. She dropped on the ground after the hit, unconscious. Well, she wouldn't have fallen unconscious if he had used his hand only. Dazai used his gun to power the blow, just the same meaning as she used her ability to strengthen her hits.

Though it was her first day training with him, he didn't expect her to actually manage to hit him on her first day. Dazai looked at the one on the floor lying cold. He sure didn't hold back on her. Bruises started to appear, bleeding lips and knuckles added some color to the girl's pale face. 

"Why did that hat rack bring you here in the first place? That idiot."

The boy wiped the sweats off his brow, pulling his hair back to leave his forehead bare. Dazai took off the bandage on his eye, it was blocking his view and he disliked the fact. Those chocolate orbs once again returned to the figure on the ground. He moved the strand of hair behind her ear, revealing her profile, well, her bruised profile.

A Touch of Sorrow [Dazai x OC x Chuuya]Where stories live. Discover now