Viginti Quattour

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"I'll use gun this time, Ryuu-kun. It's gonna end bad if you fail."

The girl pulled out a glock 23, loaded. His eyes averted from the firearm to her, the look he gave engulfed in menace and to be frank, it did got to her nerves at one point. Rei raised the gun aiming directly at him, in such a close range, she wouldn't miss the target. However, instead of firing, she charged forwards fast, closing the distance between them. Akutagawa was fast enough to guess her acts and leaned over, activating Rashoumon.

Rei fired when she was in an arm-wide range, the shield barely blocked the bullets from hitting his head, yet, those bullets didn't even cause a scratch. The boy distanced himself from her again, back to the start after the first fire. Akutagawa straightened up, hand covering his mouth as he coughed. Rei continued watching his relaxed composure as she looked for a flaw.

And there were fewer than she expected.

He wouldn't use Rashoumon directly on her, it was useless since she would absorbed the beast anyway, so he waited for her to move first. But she didn't move either, they stood in a stand still, doing nothing but staring at each other. 

"You're gonna fight or not Ryuu-kun?"

"Are you?" 

He stepped a foot back while saying, showing her a rather baleful smirk. Rei clicked her tongue clearly in annoyance, if he was this stubborn then she had no choice but to be the first to strike again.

But as she stepped forward, Rashoumon pierced up from the ground, forming into thorns that were sharp enough to penetrate through the spine of her. Rei made a jump just in the nick of time, but she couldn't escape all of it, one of the thorn scratched her calf before being absorbed. 

However, she was his mentor, she would have some tricks up her sleeves as well. Rei made sure her jump kept her in the air long enough to distract him from the direction she was heading. She fired continuously, before using a powered push to launch towards him. 

Rei absorbed the shield as Akutagawa fell back to dodge her. Although she missed him, she still manage to absorb quite some energy to fight him bare hands. 

Rei moved quickly, once she landed, she approached Akutagawa immediately. Rei grabbed him by the legs, pulling him in as she absorbed his energy before it could even form into Rashoumon, and once she had him locked under her, gun point was at his head. 

"How many times do I have to tell you: train you physical strength."

The gun went off, but there was only a click, she was out of bullets. But it was meant to be that way. Rei released the boy from her lock and rolled to the side. Akutagawa sat up with a nearly dislocated shoulder and a sore leg. He seemed displeased, since once again, he failed to beat her after saying that he would. 

Rei threw the gun aside as she sighed.

"Rashoumon is strong, but you Akutagawa, you're the wielder, therefore you have to be stronger."

He stared into her blackish eyes, giving her a dumb look saying he already knew that. She rolled her eyes, moving closer to him.

"If you can't physically get stronger, then use Rashoumon."

He gave her an even worse gaze, veins popping on his forehead.

"I mean, use Rashoumon as some sort of armor to power up yourself. It's basically clothes, then why don't you try turning it into a suit that enhance your physical strength?"

Rei reached for the boy's shoulder, focusing his energy there to ease the pain as well as recovering faster. She gripped onto the fabric, trying to demonstrate what she meant.

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