Quadraginta Quattour

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Lupin Bar always had the most calming music on play whenever he entered, and that never failed to lift his spirit. The filtered light of the bar cast a black shadow on the ground behind the tall figure of him as he sat down on one of the stools. He wasn't kept waiting for long, the chair next to him was filled right when he received his drink from the bartender. 

The strong liquor down his throat rose sensation across his body, the good kind of rush he hadn't been able to experience lately. Another sip of the strong booze, he smiled a calming grin. Once he set the glass down, Dazai took the folder placed in front of him to open.

"Order something, Haku-kun." Dazai spoke, splitting his attention from the folder to the boy.

"An Addington, please."

Dazai threw a look over to his left, adding a smile as well to offer the boy. Haku might not look it, but he had a fine taste for drinks.

"Shou, Araki,... Subject group A, B, C... C45 - Ren..."

"Well done, Haku-kun." Dazai slipped the files back inside, he lay the folder back down on the counter and switched for his drink instantly.

"Our deal is completed."


"Hm?" Dazai replied with the drink still at his lips.

"Why do you want those files?" Haku's gaze fell on the brown package on the counter.

"For further investigation." Dazai shrugged.

"But the organization is eliminated." The cerulean eyes lifted to stare at the older one.

"No, that's what you think."

The liquor shined under the yellow light, partly reflected on the spectacles of the boy as they slid down the bridge of his nose. 

2 months prior

Dazai was in his apartment reading through some files when his phone rang vigorously. There was no ID, but something urged him to pick up. Dazai dove forward for the phone just when it was about to stop, he flipped to answer instantly.

"Dazai-san, it's me, Haku."

He sighed out of relief that he didn't let the call go to the voicemail.

"What is it Haku-kun?"

"The mission will begin tomorrow, she's going in alone with her team. There's no order of support for neither Akutagawa or Chuuya."

Dazai glared into the blank space in front of him, picturing the face of his former boss.

"Have you got the gears I sent you?"

Dazai looked over to the box on his right, still sitting there unopened.

"Of course. We'll do a test run later."

"Got it, Dazai-san."

The device gave out a light beep before turning off, leaving only a black screen for him to stare at. He closed the phone, closing his eyes too once he let out a silent sigh. Dazai moved to the box he received a few day prior, there were a laptop with additional accessories, a flash drive and a note at the bottom.

"Hawaiian Breeze, 7 PM."

Dazai glanced over to the clock on the wall, watching as it struck 7 in the evening. 24 hours later would set the beginning of the battle.

He spent the rest of the night plotting his ways to infiltrate, with the help of Haku of course. While he couldn't personally walk in, Haku could act as his eyes and body. 

A Touch of Sorrow [Dazai x OC x Chuuya]Where stories live. Discover now