Quadraginta Unum

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He found the place, eventually. The Hawaiian restaurant with a suspicious closing board standing outside. The fading lights above the sky told him there wasn't a minute to waste. Cautiously, he walked in. 

All customers were asleep, peacefully or not Chuuya didn't really have a say. A light chemical scent filled his nostrils, it was similar to the anesthetics bombs Rei used a few times before. Beside that chemical scent, he also found the tang smell of blood from the back. The man strode carefully past the customers in order not to wake them up. He reached the kitchen door, opening it, he found puddles of the thick liquid spilt all over the place. He had seen many battlefields of the same appearance, yet though they were the enemies, he couldn't help but feeling sorry for those who were slain. 

Chuuya jumped down the trapdoor after he checked the map one last time. It wouldn't be smart to go digging around since he was all alone, and unfamiliar with the routes. Chuuya was the kind to jump in without much thoughts, but that was because he had gotten Dazai or Rei to take care of the brainstorming parts. At that moment he was alone, and he had to put thoughts into his actions, or else he won't be able to find Rei. Nakahara Chuuya stood there still, scanning the map one last time before picking a route to follow. He proceeded on the path he chose, taking a few turns as he heard sounds of people. And after enough corners later, he found himself in the battlefield.


One of them called, involuntarily drew others' attention to him. 

"Chuuya-kun, huh?"

In the midst of chaos, gunshots drown out that little saying of the man in the shadow. He hid himself quickly, watching the battle unfolded instead of participating in. Bullets came raining on Chuuya, but they couldn't pierce him. The scarlet glow enveloped him in and intercepted those bullets.

Even though he was hiding, he could still see so vividly how the corners of Chuuya's lips curved upward and how his eyes lined sharp. All happened in a tick before he released a spin kick, sending those bullets he stopped back at the shooters. 

"Still impressive as always." The man commented silently, his watch was still on the redhead.

With a single move, Port Mafia claimed their win. The Executive pocketed his hands once he grounded his stand, walking back towards the men of his side. 

"What happened?"

"They seemed to have known about our arrival. The weapons were glazed with chemicals, all men at exposure were unable to move their hands."

They seemed to have known. That one sentence held the most value. The mission was a surprise attack, yet somehow they knew of it. His thoughts were interrupted by a few men at the back groaning in pain. 

"They use neurotoxin..."

He didn't know since when his hands had balled into fists.

"Where are the rest?"

"The rest are in the west wing Chuuya-san. They were tasked to take on the control center. They have been calling for back up since the beginning." One of them answered.

"I'll take care of it, you bring the injured ones out of here." Chuuya spoke as he stood up.

"Chuuya-san! Rei-san is near med bay. She hasn't been able to respond to us."

He took the device from the hand of his subordinate, eyeing the red dot blinking in the center of the screen. There was no way to tell if she was alright through the dot, but he couldn't come to her to see if she were, not when the mission was on the verge of failing.

A Touch of Sorrow [Dazai x OC x Chuuya]Where stories live. Discover now