Viginti Octo

333 14 5

The flickering lights illuminated through the raindrops, splashing on the hem of his trousers. His pace quickened as rain poured heavier, he must find a shelter before the downpour break his umbrella. 

"Tsk, this is not a good time to be emotional Ren."

Dashing to a nearby bar, he pulled himself inside immediately once the wind picked up. The bar greeted him with a rather depressing atmosphere, since it was raining, not many people preferred going out that night. He settled down on a table and ordered his drinks, going through everything rapidly to save up some time.

He was out that night for a secret meeting, but seemingly, that couldn't proceed with such weather. The rain showed no sign of stopping nor diminishing. He sighed to it as he read the cancelling letter from the other party.

Tapping on the books, circling letters in the notes, looking at the bar, all the things he did was futile. He couldn't focus on anything while the thought of that kid being alone was torturing him. The man downed the last cup of sake then headed out.

It was still raining, though it lessened quite a bit, he might make it home with his umbrella. Click, the gadget opened up swiftly as the man stepped out. But he stayed put on his ground, not taking a further step but slowly turning his head to the right where stood a young man shivering in the cold.

"It's awful isn't it, this pouring rain." 

"Uh... a little bit unpleasant yes." 

He caught first the eyes of that young lad once he looked up, those hickory brown eyes shined in the dark lighting. 

"Feels like someone is crying." 

"Someone really is..."

The saying slipped his tongue involuntarily and he lowered his gaze to the ground where the rain drops bounced back up as if they were trying to reach the sky where they fell from.


He turned around to look at the youth with wide eyes, almost frightened.


"Okamura Shishio-san."

"How do you..."

"It's written on the tag on your briefcase."

He looked back down at the brown case in his hand, finding a little tag on the handles that had a full name and address written on. It was not there before.

And it was not his name on the tag.

"Hattori... Ren?" He mumbled the words ever so lightly.

"So the kid really is with you." 

The calm voice of the other one put him alert, in the chilly atmosphere, the gun felt cold in his palm as he held it at the young lad. "Woah, easy there." With a joking manner, the young lad raised both of his hands up in the air.

"Killing people while running is not the best thing to do."

"Who are you?"

"Ah, sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Dazai Osamu."

What he had on his lips was not a sinister smirk like he always used, it was a soft grin that people usually gave each others on their first time meeting.

"I'm not the bad guy, nor is that person you're running from. Occupation alone doesn't define one as good or bad. If it does, then you are also a bad guy, Okamura-san. Because after all, you're still a criminal even though you don't kill." Dazai took a step forward as he spoke.

A Touch of Sorrow [Dazai x OC x Chuuya]Where stories live. Discover now