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Chuuya couldn't hug her close but his hand remained on hers still, it kept the fairly cold palm of the female in a tight grasp. The act would be that of an assurance that he would be with her. They managed to have some sleep that night, even though it was not a long nice sleep that was efficient, but at least it was enough in a way.

At least Chuuya was able to be with her. Not like him.

Dazai stood on the other side of the bed where he observed the two slept. Not a sound he made, clearly. He only stood there watching something he envied of Chuuya for the first time in his life. Such feelings had never bothered him before, but it somehow managed this time. How irritating it was, and rather painful as well. 

When did it happen to him? These emotions. When did they start in his heart? Dazai was not quite acquainted to it. Or that he was, but unable to control them as he wished.

The phone in his pocket went off, but the receiver picked up quick enough so that the sounds wouldn't linger too long to wake up the other ones in the room. He listened closely, not replying once but as soon as the call ended he hurried out immediately.

The door clicked, waking up the girl on the bed while so. She rubbed her eyes as the surrounding lights were brighter than she could handle. Though she knew someone was there, her ears caught the sound they left behind. A sigh. 

Rei averted her eyes from the ginger on her tummy to the door, even though looking at it now wouldn't change the fact that the person had already left. She closed those eyes tiredly and she too let out a heavy sigh.

"Rei...?" Chuuya called, finally opening his eyes. 

"Oh, did I wake you?" She lifted her hand from his head.

"No, don't worry." He let his head fall again and she silently put the hand back on.

"Are you feeling any better?" 

"Much better now." 

Rei pulled herself up from the bed to have a better look at the one next to her. She took that face in her hands, gazing into those cobalt eyes intensely which turned the cheeks of the other one rosy instantly. Chuuya looked away, embarrassed.

"D-do you want something to eat?" His fingers fidgeted as he asked the question.

"Hm... I don't really have anything in mind to be honest." She suddenly squished Chuuya's cheeks.

"Uh- Wei, wurt wurt wurt..." (Ah- Rei, hurt hurt hurt). He tapped on her hands quickly.

She smiled at him, saving that adorable look before letting him go as told.

"Do you want some onigiri?" Chuuya spoke as he rubbed his cheeks.

"That would be lovely, yes. Some onigiri would be very lovely." 

Her eyes shone brightly under the mention of the food, quite childlike Chuuya would say. It was a pretty childlike smile that she gave him, it never failed to make him blush anyways. Though he didn't try to hide the pink cheeks this time. 

"I'll be right back." 

Chuuya brushed Rei's hair over and placed a soft kiss on her forehead before heading out, and the deed was a success as an attempt to make her blush like him. The door clicked once again, leaving the one on the patient bed alone. Everything fell quiet.

Rei turned to look at the window, gray sky greeted her gaze. A sad scene it was, gloomy and all, and it was much worse when she was alone in the room. 


"Goodnight, Kosuke."

"Goodnight, Katsumi."

A Touch of Sorrow [Dazai x OC x Chuuya]Where stories live. Discover now