Triginta Unus

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A/N: I know this is Norman's theme from The Promised Neverland. But the instrumental of the song fits very well. Beautiful but sad, someone that are thought to have everything but have nothing in reality, something like that. And I think it fits perfectly with this chapter and the main characters of the chapter. So think not of Norman but think of the people in this chapter heh? Let's just say it's their theme in this universe.



"Ah, is that you Kane?"

The small child pulled his heavy feet inside the dimly lit chamber, one hand holding his teddy bear, one hand gripping on the hem of his starry blue pajamas. His eyes were widely opened, not in order to see better, but because of fear still invading his body.

He had another nightmare.

"Come here darling." 

The woman took the child into her arms and gently pulled him closer. He was still shaking even when in her embrace as the scary feeling wouldn't go away. Kane quietly cried, he couldn't hold in those tears stinging his eyes any longer. 

"Darling, do you remember what it was about?" 

Breathing in sync with his, both hearts beat on the same pace as she placed her hand over his head, leaving gentle strokes on his curly strands. The child didn't reply in words, but she could feel his little head shakes against her chest.

Kane didn't know what it was exactly - the nightmare that he dreamed about. It had happened more than once, and he always forgot about them as soon as he opened his eyes. Only the feeling lingered, only the feeling stayed, through hours, through days. 

As he sniffled into the warm embrace of his mother, the child mumbled quietly under his breaths something he had just found out in a moment of chaotic thoughts. 

"I saw Keahi... in my dream..."

"Yes darling?"

"He fell from the rocks..."


"Keahi was screaming..."


"He was drowning..."

"But you saved him darling..."

"I couldn't save him..."

He remembered what happened, as if reality itself replayed in front of his eyes. The child with tan skin and thick curls who was smiling at him so brightly, only for a second before he slipped and fell from the rocks. 

In reality, Kane saved that child from what seemed to be his death. Unlike Kane who was able to ride even the big waves, Keahi was still unable to swim. He tried, he was learning how to swim that day with Kane. In a moment overcome with joy, he was snatched by the hands of the Reaper.

But how... fortunate, when that was the result in Kane's nightmare. 


"Great choice, Kane."

The man dressed himself in a deep navy blue 3-piece suit, with expensive cufflinks and a thousand dollars tie. He didn't dress to impress, nor was he trying to show off his wealth. He chose those clothes simply because his son liked how he looked in the suit and accessories.

Little Kane was standing on his toes, eyes twinkled in the reflections of the mirror where the image of his father stood tall and powerful greeted his sight. 

A Touch of Sorrow [Dazai x OC x Chuuya]Where stories live. Discover now