Extra 1: Moving Out

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A/N: Since I've hurt y'all feelings quite a bit the past few chapters, I will make up for it in this one. Fluff extra for the weekend! Same thing with the song, right click/long tap and choose loop! But I recommend searching it up on youtube if you're on app because apparently if you can't see the video on your screen you won't be able to hear it either ugh.


The ginger lifted his gaze to the clock on the wall, checking the time with a smile. It was almost lunch time and as the thought lit up in his mind, he averted those eyes to the bag on the sofa of his office. Inside lay two bento boxes he purposely woke up so early to prepare. Considering the incidents that happened the past few days, he hoped this kind of things will manage to put a smile on her face.

"Up we go." Chuuya grabbed the bag before heading out of his office.

He found her after less than ten steps outside, she was walking towards his way. Yet, even though she was still far from his ground, her appearance clearly screamed deprived of food and sleep from even that distance. Rei barely walked on normally, rather just sliding her feet. Chuuya gripped on the bag tightly as he picked up his pace.

She looked even worse up close.

"You okay, Rei?"

The frown on Chuuya's face could hardly escape one's notice, but it slipped through hers like nothingness. She walked past Chuuya like he was nothing but a shadow, but to be fair, anything in her way at that moment looked like a shadow she'd walk through. 

He grabbed her arm and the yank finally pulled her back to the reality. Her absent-minded self returned to earth and so did the files on her hands, they fell off like leaves. "Ekk!" Rei yelped.

Chuuya was still holding onto her while grabbing the files by the other hand. Well to be precise, he used his ability to hold the files by the other hand. As he looked up from the papers, he caught first those blackish eyes staring at him. They twinkled with a tint of surprise that changed her saddened appearance into a rather adorable one. He straightened up to look at her better, her gaze followed his movements. 

"Are you okay?" This time, this question finally managed to reach her. 

"What? Ah! Yes! I'm fine! I'm... fine..." 

Her face went through all kinds of expressions, none stayed for too long except for the last one. The reason was perfectly clear to see after, since the rumble of an empty stomach could even beat the thunder. The one in front couldn't hold back his laugh, they escaped his lips quite frankly, thus making the girl blushed uncontrollably.

"Come with me."

The gravity that kept her feet grounded then was gone, she felt as light as a feather floating in the air, or rather in his arms. Chuuya lifted her up bridal style and swooshed he went out of the hallway and into the garden. It was the same garden when they first shared a meal together, on the first day she was in Port Mafia. Even though it wasn't autumn thus the leaves weren't auburn-colored then, their fern hue was quite lively in exchange.

Chuuya sat down on the bench with Rei still in his embrace, she was sitting on his laps. Oh how he wished he could took a picture of her tomato cheeks then, they flushed red so quickly and the hot shade spread widely on the pale face of hers. It gave him more determination to keep her staying in that same position.

But they couldn't have lunch that way. Although he was saddened to have her off his laps so soon, he'd much preferred she had something filling her stomach, lovey dovey gestures later.

"I made you some food." He placed in her laps a bento box.

Rei held up the bento, eyes dashing from it to the one sitting next to her.

A Touch of Sorrow [Dazai x OC x Chuuya]Where stories live. Discover now