Viginti Duo

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Bathing in the bright soothing moonlight, the beast roared with claws clutched down a caretaker, pinning him on the ground. The man was screaming, fear invaded his body. The Headmaster as well, he stood staring as the boy in front of him transformed into a large beast. Its eyes were on him, they pierced through the soul of the man.

The chains at its feet couldn't contain the beast as it charged forward.


The redhead jumped in between the two, his hat fell off in the process. The scarlet glow wrapped his entire body in as he was caught in the clutches of the beast. It roared, teeth bore at his face ready to snap his head off. Yet, before that turned true, a clear translucent shield collided with its jaw. The beast fell back with the scarlet glow binding its body down.

"Chuuya-kun! Chuuya are you okay?!"

Rei held onto the male, giving him support to sit up. She could feel the flow of blood pouring from his arm where the claws ripped through. It was a miracle that it was still attached, and the wound wasn't quite severe.

"What the hell is that?..." He grunted.

Rei returned her attention to the beast, its alabaster fur illuminated under the bright light of the moon, its golden eyes matched her obsidian orbs, but she saw in there not the brutality of a predator, rather it was the fear of a child. It reflected the very human emotions.


She heard the headmaster called from behind them, his voice trembled but his eyes never left the white tiger across the room. "Atsushi?" Rei tilted her head, right before Chuuya pushed her aside.

The beast had beaten the gravity force to attack again. "Chuuya!" Rei screamed. He knew of course, that if he fail to elude the hit, his life would be over. Chuuya gathered his strength and flew up from the ground. Rei supported him immediately, she threw another energy blast at the beast, drawing its attention to her.

The only chance she had then was close range contact, the force fields she produced before had drawn more energy than she thought, moving around was already a problem let alone protecting these people here. Rei let out a sharp breath as the tiger jumped at her, it was fast, much faster than before. The moment she caught its paws, the energy transferred from the hit to her body. The transferring process was forceful, nearly fracturing her fingers in the process.

Only that had shown her how powerful the creature was.

"Chuuya! On your left!" Rei screamed as the beast roared.

She let go, rolling over to dodge the hit of the tiger, and to open a passage for Chuuya to counter. His punch drilled a hole through the body of the tiger.

"Atsushi!" The headmaster screamed, running toward the fight.

"Are you out of your mind?! Get out of here!"

Rei blocked his way, screaming at the caretakers as well as they picked up their feet and ran out. Yet, the headmaster didn't follow the warning. His eyes were on the beast, he pushed over Rei so that he could get to the tiger.


The tiger roared, the hole in its body healed back in the process which took everyone there by surprise, seconds later it was fright that ruled on their faces.

"How- that tiger can regenerate?!"

Chuuya leaned over as he dodged the attack of the tiger, yet its punch still manage to hit his side and throw him across the chamber. "Chuuya!" Rei came to see a bloody Chuuya trying his best to pull himself up from the ground.

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