Extra 2: Moving In

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A/N: This one has mature content, and it's pretty explicit. Readers be advised before reading.

Warning! 18+ content!

Be advised before reading!

You're advised right? Good. Lol jk. Here's the music for the ride


Wrote and edited this chapter myself cuz I'm too embarrassed lol please be gentle with me. First time writing smut and I think my lifespan shortened.




"It's huge..."


He had never been more proud to hear such from her.

"Your place is huge!"

Chuuya took the bags off Rei's hands just before she literally flew away to every corner of his house. The smile never left her lips.

"Wow~ this couch is really big! The cushions are soft too!" She went flopped on the sofa.

Chuuya moved to the other side of the apartment where he set her bags in a room. He could still hear her voice rang with joy echoing throughout the place.

"Chuuya-kun! The closet is so big! You can literally have a runway in here!" Then she ran in a closet.

"It is a walk-in closet though."

Chuuya giggled from behind her, his breaths caressed her ears. It wasn't long until she found strong grips on her hips spinning her around.

It suddenly felt hot in there.


She had only managed to say his name once before he slipped his tongue inside her mouth, taking in such a violent suck of her lips. He moved in even deeper, one hand securing around her waist while the other one was in her hair. Chuuya had gotten her entirely under his control.


"...we haven't had...

"...dinner yet..."

Rei spoke between the kiss which he didn't prefer her doing. Chuuya bit her on the lower lip as a warning before looking into her eyes. "We are having dinner."

Had she told him that the smirk suited him so well?

Unconsciously, Rei touched where the bite marked and unconsciously, Chuuya went in again, this time even rougher. She hadn't realized that her lips were bleeding until she tasted blood. But even if she noticed, she couldn't do much of a thing to the situation since Chuuya was keeping her occupied.

The heat was intense once his hands left her waist, they moved to her bottom.

Rei was lifted in the air, her legs wrapped around Chuuya's waist for support while his arms lowered down her bum. He had just about zero difficulty walking out of the closet, even though he couldn't see ahead. He was still deep in the kiss to be bothered, and she too was pulled into it.

"Watch your head."

"Watch my...?"

Rei hadn't even got the time to react when Chuuya pressed her head down to avoid colliding with the door frame. With her cheeks against his neck, burning heat left her skin hot. She must have been blushing red.

A Touch of Sorrow [Dazai x OC x Chuuya]Where stories live. Discover now