Triginta Quattour

218 10 6


DPR IAN - So Beautiful


Happy White Day everyone ehe :)))

Morning sunlight blew the air cool, perfect fall weather. A lovely morning it was, the weather was as beautiful as ever, telling the ones walking under such a scene to stop and enjoy the moment while it lasted. It would have been so though, if one of them wasn't too hurry to a certain destination and the other one wasn't too annoyed by the thought of the former one being so eager.

The door to the cafe slowly creaked open, leaving the passage for a couple to walk in. The girl waved at someone at a table next to the window, while the man next to her clicked his tongue as the greeting for that someone. 

That someone returned the greeting with a surprise countenance, yet those eyes lit up in what would be considered cunning. They approached the table and moved to their seats, there was an awkward laugh somewhere in the air.

"Tsk, no wonder I had a bad feeling this morning." Clicking his tongue, the brunette leaned back on the couch.

"Oh yeah? You wanna know what that bad feeling means?" The redhead leaned over the table, veins popping on his brow.

"I was talking to Rei and not you, hat rack-chan." Dazai remarked as he took a sip of his coffee.

"I was answering for her, bastard!" Chuuya took a hold of Dazai's collar in the quickest reflex.

"Ahaha now now... let's not do that here..." 

There was the awkward laugh.

Rei grabbed onto Chuuya's wrist and Dazai's shirt, trying to separate the two from starting an unnecessary fight. Like always, it was not something easy to do by any means. It got even more awkward with the waiter coming to take their orders. The awkward laugh rang up again.

"M-may I take your order?" The male leaned forward with a concerning smile.

"Two lattes please!" Rei spoke quickly, finally managed to have the men settled down.

The waiter gave them a smile before walking away with the taken orders. Rei gave out a sigh immediately. "We came here for something non violent, so behave yourselves." She shot them a warning look before sitting down.

It could be said that the two were absolutely obedient to Rei once they met her murderous stare.

"I can't work until I know why Chuuya is here too." Dazai stared blankly at Rei who looked away in a swift move.

"Because I can't leave her alone with someone like you." Chuuya fell back with hands crossed in front of his chest.

"Or because you're jealous." 

It was the cockiest smirk Rei had ever seen from Dazai, and it was the beginning of another unnecessary fight. Chuuya delivered a punch directly at Dazai yet the brunette eluded the hit with ease. Dazai braced himself for another, but then they sensed the homicidal gaze of the girl piercing their faces and immediately stopped, again.

"Chuuya's here because he wanted to help as well. But to what I'm seeing none of you are being helpful." 

Her glare could eat off their face if lingered longer.

Rei reached for the inside of her back, placing on the table a notebook. Slim fingers flipped through filled pages before stopping on a blank one, Rei instantly write down the cipher.

A Touch of Sorrow [Dazai x OC x Chuuya]Where stories live. Discover now