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"We're in."

"Good. Report status."

"There was an ambush like you said."

"And did it work?"

"Yes, Rei-san."

"Great! Bring them back for interrogation."



The fiery red mane fell over her shoulder as the girl crouched down to look at the one on the ground. Those blackish eyes narrowed on the victim, as she placed the blade closer to his neck. The trembling groans escaping his throat somehow sounded quite amusing.

"Such a fine piece of cutlery, isn't it?"

The icy surface of the metal sent chills biting the skin where it touched. 

"I don't normally take on the job of interrogating, but my colleague hasn't arrived yet so I thought I might have a little fun with you."

Her hair swayed to her turns as she took another look at the one on the ground. The smoke bombs worked marvelously. The chemicals disabled the entire nerves system, they could only talk so small and breathe so lightly. 

Yet, they seemed to still have the strength to bite on the poisonous pill they had in their mouth since all men were dead the same way while being transported back. All except for one. Though the effect would soon wear off and he would have the strength to commit suicide again.

"Someone once called me a sadist. I can't quite remember who though, the dead don't leave much of an impression." The girl set her onyx orbs solely on the man there, his mouth was gagged. 

"Maybe I am you know, since I enjoy putting that mouth gag on you." She laughed balefully as she couldn't hold it in any further. 

Even though his nerves system was damaged and temporary disabled, he trembled still to the laughs of the girl in front of him, but his trembles were not out of fear but rather out of anger. His jaw tightened, biting tighter on the ball. And she noticed that of course. It was truly an entertaining scene to witness.

"It's dense rubber for god's sake. You can't bite through that to the capsule." She grabbed the man's face.

"And I've already taken that annoying pill out." She tapped lightly on his cheek then raised the knife up again.

"You know, stubbing your toes hurt more than when you cut yourself." She pressed the blade a bit deeper into his throat. But it stopped just before it could cut blood out of the skin.

"So I'm more into the beating than using equipment." 

The red hair was then pulled and tied up into a bun, right before she smashed the man's foot. 


A simple word 'oops'. 

"Did you feel it?" She kept her gaze on the man's twisted countenance. Sweats poured from his brow, his temples. She smirked to that.

"Tell me which one hurts more."

She mercilessly stabbed the knife in the man's arm. "Even though, this is a stab and not a cut."

She whipped around and strolled to the stairs leading down there. But she didn't leave, only let her back fall against the wall. 



He descended from the stairs with men followed behind. And lastly, a boy in a long black cloak finished down the case with hands never put out of his pockets. She greeted him with a smile.

A Touch of Sorrow [Dazai x OC x Chuuya]Where stories live. Discover now