Triginti Quinque

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Heavy breathing echoed to the hallway, notifying those near to leave. There wasn't that many of people around, frankly there wasn't any. The area was always secluded at such hours.

One hand tightened around her neck, the other locked on her wrists, keeping them in place above her head. The piece of jewelry dug deeper in her pale skin, marking it to the lines of the chains. Strong thighs straddled over her hips, immobilizing her complete upper body. The girl watched on as those cobalt eyes lowered and out of her eyesight. Hot breaths by her ears, whispering.

"I win."

She didn't want to admit, but he did manage to beat her.

An hour prior.

Rei rounded a corner out of the initial path, wandering further on the passage the corner opened to with a happy face. She even started humming while, catching the attention of just about everyone passing through by the act. The most common reaction of theirs was bewilderment.

The hums stopped after a while and so did the echoing steps. Exhaling silently, Rei knocked on the door in front of her. "Chuuya-kun?" The name slipped carelessly through those roseate lips. There wasn't an immediate reply, but she knew of another one's presence there by her enhanced hearing.

"Chuuya-kun? Can I come in?"

No reply again, drawing her last bits of patience with its intolerable silence. The wooden door swung open and the female allowed herself in without a pause midway. The space before her was missing of a certain someone, the chair was pushed back from its position and the papers were still piling unorganized on the desk.

A normal human's body usually emits temperature higher than the room temperature, and with such close distance, the heat wouldn't slip through her notice. Sure she noticed, so what? All would be in vain if she couldn't escape in time.

Her fist fitted perfectly in his palm, and her leg was kicked back just the moment it raised to knee him in the groin. Rei pulled back to elbow him but he dodged the move with ease, advancing on her that moment she stepped back. He caught her in an arm lock and one tick after, Rei was on the desk face down.

"Should've chosen a better location to have our training Chuuya-kun." Rei turned her face sideways to reply even though it hurt her neck quite a bit.

And a better pinning position too.

"You should prepare yourself to fight in any terrain."

"I am."

He had her bent on the desk with both arms locked behind but he didn't really pay attention to her legs. With his feet just about a step from hers, Rei transferred the rushing energy down to her foot and stomped him on the very toes.

Chuuya managed to step back in a close call, yet that was also in Rei's prediction as she broke one arm free and straightened up. Chuuya knew he would lose if he get hit by the next attack. Rei swung her free arm to the front, moving to the momentum and rounded behind Chuuya, still holding onto his wrist and not expecting him to follow the very same movement.

Catching on to her action, Chuuya threw himself to her route and swung around as well. Rei was thrown out of way and lost her initial lead to Chuuya which he eagerly took on. She was once again in another arm lock, pushed against the wall. Chuuya had no intention of letting her go thus pressing his body weight to keep her down completely.

Worthy of his title as the best fighter of Port Mafia.

Though it didn't necessarily mean that he was invincible.

"Ability, Child of Catastrophe."

Black light embraced those two in the circles closing in on them. Perhaps he shouldn't have kept the distance so close, since it would only be a matter of time before she took over with her ability. But it was just a distraction for Chuuya to loosen his grip. It resulted in an elbow to his temple. That one he couldn't elude.

A Touch of Sorrow [Dazai x OC x Chuuya]Where stories live. Discover now