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"Rei-san! The east wing is overpowered! Our men are being slaughtered!"

She stood there, staring down the foe before her, watching him smirked, watching him played with the blades in his hands while the screams in her earpiece ripped through her eardrums.

"Rei-san, the bombs doesn't work! They must have gotten a device that changes  the frequency of the detonator!"

She bit her lips, blood dripping from her wrist to dye the ground underneath, painting the white tiles a dirty red color. 

"Let me ask you this Rei, do you really think I was that careless?"

Rei didn't reply but spat out shouts as she sped towards Kane. Close contact, every touch must be utilized to draw his power. 

That was if the contact was long enough for the energy to be drawn from the host.

Rei threw a punch, not quite powerful but only to see how he would move. Kane leaned over to dodge the hit and swung his bayonet following the route of her fist. The blade slid through the back of her hand, cut deep into the skin. It would be a lie if she said it didn't hurt, but she knew the pain was more of an evocation of the god within. All would be for naught if she lost her calm, which was too close by then.

Kane knew about her ability, close contact would be his downfall. So he fought to draw her energy out and exhaust her, causing every possible open wound while avoiding direct contact. It was not the most "manly" strategy to use, but if the fight prolonged she would be defeated, the win would be for him.

"I thought you knew me better, Rei."

"I do, unfortunately."

He made his move first this time, the blades came for her chest, her abdomen, her throat and her legs, all aiming for the fatal points. He didn't come to play, he didn't mean to keep her alive for entertainment. His killing intention was directed at her, and he had always been a determined one when achieving his goals.

Rei fell back as she lost the lead to him. Even though it wouldn't have to be that way if she had kept her calm like she convinced herself she could.

"Do you know why you're here?"

"To kill you." Blackish orbs glared him down.

"Of course, of course, but why? It sure wasn't of your own will. This is a mission appointed to you by Port Mafia's Boss, Mori Ougai, isn't it? And do you know anything about why he wants this organization eliminated? Do you even know anything about this organization?"

She didn't know, the files didn't mention anything about what this organization was really about. She was curious yes, but she never had the chance to learn the real reason behind anything.

"He probably tells you that we work in the dark, not yet in public so there are few things to know about us, correct? Well then let me enlighten you. You deserve to know before you die." Kane's lips twisted upwards into a smirk.


The calls in the earpiece got drowned out by the ringing in her earst, their importance no longer mattered to her, completely thrown away by the statement of the one standing before her.

"This organization is made for only one purpose: to kill all of those with abilities."

His shadow poured over her in the quickest second when he shifted his posture.

"The "fortunate" ones, born with an incredible ability that helps them immensely in life. The "unfortunate" ones without ability will always be inferior to those that have the gift." His words were filled with sarcasm, those eyes trailed from the blades he held to her face, studying her countenance with the darkest gaze.

A Touch of Sorrow [Dazai x OC x Chuuya]Where stories live. Discover now